Page 152 of Bet Me Something

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She smirked. “Aside from the fifty-fifty chance, I figured it was karma. Now instead of worrying about one penis, you’ll have to worry about them all.”

I groaned, thinking she was probably right. “She’s never dating.”

She shook her head. “I’ll teach her the five-date rule, and she’ll be fine.”

“Okay, but only if we change it to ten.” I happily took our beautiful little girl from the nurses while the doctors finished up with the afterbirth details, something that Kenzie made me promise to turn around and not pay attention to. She didn’t have to tell me twice. “Is it terrible that I don’t want to share her with all of our family coming to visit?”

“Probably up there with the intense desire I have for you to fly me to Cabo right now to avoid my mother. I can’t believe you bought me a house for my push gift. What are you going to do for the next three?”

I turned around, exchanging amused looks with the doctor “Four, huh?” We definitely wanted multiples, but it was the first time I’d heard her mention a number.

“I figure I need at least that many to form my family band.”

Grinning, I thought three more sounded like a grand plan in this moment. “Four it is. But in the meantime, we need to pick out a name for this beautiful girl.”

I brought her to the bed, where we could both study her sweet face. We’d been on the fence about several names, wanting to meet her first, but as soon as Kenzie said it aloud, I knew it was the one.

“What do you think about Grace Olivia Singer?”

“It’s perfection.” I snapped a picture of her with my phone to send out to those waiting on the news and handed her to Kenzie so she could attempt to feed her.

“Don’t think I’ll forget that you lost the bet. I haven’t figured out what I’d like as payment, but you better believe it’s going to be something good.”

“I look forward to it.”

“Oh, yeah. Why’s that?”

I leaned down and kissed her. “Because losing a bet to you has always turned out to be the very best thing to happen to me.”
