Page 36 of Bet Me Something

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“Now?” My voice hitched.

He shrugged. “We can wait until after the movie ends and dessert.”

Oh, boy. I would need at least that amount of time to calm my nerves at the prospect of another kiss and the fact he was asking me to show him how it was done.

* * *

Colby washis normal self during the remainder of the movie, an attitude which was both annoying and confusing. I might not have the same crush I did before, but that didn’t mean I was any less nervous over what was to come.

After the movie ended, he grabbed gelato out of the freezer and two spoons. We sat on the couch, sharing the treat in silence. It was salted caramel, which didn’t call for many words considering how good it was.

“You want any more?” he inquired, getting up to put the container back in the freezer.

I shook my head, swallowing hard. I wasn’t sure how to go about this do-over, but right now I was getting an undeniable hum that had my palms sweating.

“Are you ready to show me the proper way to kiss? I have to warn you that my expectations are quite high since your version is supposed to rock my world.” He walked over to where I was sitting on the couch.

I sighed, trying not to erupt in nervous laughter. “Oh, sure, no pressure. Um, what about the cameras you said your brother might have?”

“I asked him. He said they’re only on the front door and foyer. Why? Are you stalling?”

Suddenly I thought, what the hell. What did I have to lose? Obviously, I was the one with more experience in this area, and he was the one asking for it. I stood up, took his hand, and motioned toward the sofa. “Sit.”

He grinned, which did nothing for my nerves.

“Okay, Colby Singer, brace yourself.” I climbed onto his lap, watching his stunned expression when I straddled him, a knee on either side of his thighs.

We were face to face with our gazes locked on one another. I put my hands on either side of his face, noticing his breath hitch and lips part with the contact. Leaning forward, I touched my lips to his tentatively, realizing his eyes remained open. I searched them and then touched his mouth once more, watching his flutter shut. I tasted the caramel from the ice cream and was surprised by how soft his lips were. I hadn’t noticed previously since his tongue had been shoved down my throat. Our mouths, still cool from the frozen treat, offered up quite a contrast to the growing heat of the kiss. While increasing pressure with my lips, one of my hands threaded through his hair and the other one rested on his cheek. My tongue timidly entered his mouth, and I felt him shudder with the sensation. But when his came out to invade my mouth, I pulled back.

“You keep your tongue where it is, mister,” I admonished, witnessing his unconcealed amusement.

“Yes, ma’am.”

I returned to what I was doing with my tongue flicking against his lips. When I gently bit down on his bottom one, the sound of his groan gave me all the confidence I needed to proceed in deepening it. Sucking on his tongue and swallowing his breath, I loved it when he practically growled into my mouth. When I pulled back to tell him he could start to use his tongue a little more, he didn’t give me a chance to speak, instead threading his hands into my hair, taking control with strokes of his tongue against mine, mirroring my earlier pattern. He moved tentatively at first, but then he completely took charge, gripping my ass and pulling me further into his lap. Shivering with the change, I gasped when I realized he was hard.

For me.

Because of our kiss.

Desire pooled between my legs, and I shifted my hips slightly, grinding against his thigh, searching for relief. He moved his hands up, rubbing my breasts over my shirt.

This wasn’t what I’d been expecting at all, but it was obvious this kiss had already surpassed any do-over expectations. My hands ran over his chest, eager for skin contact, and slipped under the material. Seeing him without a shirt the other morning had been one thing. Touching was clearly a different sensation, something I experienced when my exploring yielded hard muscles under my fingertips.

He shifted, nestling his erection between my thighs while my hips shamelessly ground into him. Then suddenly, in the distance, I heard a cell phone ringing.

Colby cursed, pulling back. His expression was a mixture of both lust and confusion. “I think my lesson is up,” he murmured huskily.

I tried to extricate myself from his lap with what little grace I still possessed. It wasn’t clear which of us had been rocked more by our kiss, and I wondered if, absent the cell phone interruption, it would’ve progressed to more.

He answered the call tersely, indicating with his tone that it was business related. Hanging it up, he looked at me then down to his upper thigh, where I’d left a giant wet spot.

“Oh, my God,” I said out loud, wanting to absolutely die. Take myself under the dining room table, put my hands over my head, and rock myself like a crazy person until the moment passed by.

His eyes met mine but in them sheer arousal was reflected. The front of his shorts showed he was straining against them with his erection. “I take it that kiss was better?”

I nodded, conscious that my face was completely crimson. “Did you, uh, need a Tide stain stick or something? I think I have one in my purse.” No, no, no, those words did not actually come out of my mouth.

His brow arched. “I’m good. Are we okay?”
