Page 45 of Bet Me Something

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“Okay…” My voice trailed off as I saw Colby come through the door with both Brian and Sasha following behind him.

My brother rushed over to give me a hug and then immediately addressed Officer Hotstuff. “Did you catch the guy yet?”

“Yes, sir, and your sister’s statement helps confirm we have the correct guy in custody.” He glanced toward me.

“Officer Thompson, this is my brother Brian and his girlfriend, Sasha. They flew in from North Carolina. And this is my friend Colby.”

Officer-Get-Lost-In-His-Blue-Eyes nodded toward them, and Brian’s expression softened. My brother was typically all about manners. “Sorry, man. We’ve been running on adrenaline since getting the call. We appreciate all you’ve done.”

“I understand. We were just finishing up.” He turned over his card, writing something else. “The number on the front is my office line if you remember anything else pertaining to the case. The cell number on the back is in case you want to talk after business hours.”

My eyes met his. “All right.” Was he flirting and giving me his personal number?

“I take it your vehicle is still parked on Balencia Ave?”

I couldn’t believe I’d forgotten all about my car. “Yeah, probably with a ticket by now.”

He grinned. “If so, then I know of someone who can fix it for you.”

Yep, he was definitely flirting, especially if the scowls on both Colby and Brian’s faces were any indication.

“What the hell were you doing on Balencia Ave?” Colby asked.

Oh, crap. I went into deer-in-headlights mode. He had to ask this particular question in front of an audience? Unfortunately, the image of the dildo wall came to mind, causing my face to turn beet red. “I, um, had some shopping to do.”

He frowned, probably trying to figure out which stores were in the area. It wasn’t exactly known for its retail spots. “You were shopping. On Balencia Ave?”



All eyes were focused on me. Fuck it. When in doubt, blurt it out. “Pleasure Palace.”

“What the hell did you buy at Pleasure Palace?” Brian asked, clearly not thinking about the question posed to his sister.

“Do you really want to know?” I challenged, watching his face turn about as crimson as mine felt at the moment.

“Shit. No, I really don’t.” He turned toward Officer Handcuff-Me-Please, who was having a hard time not laughing. “You don’t need anything else for your report, do you, officer?”

“Nope, we’re all done here. Hope to talk to you soon, Kenzie.”

My lips twitched. “Thanks, Officer.”

And with that, he was out the door.

“What the hell was that about?” Colby asked.

I shrugged. “What?”

“You flirting with the cop. He’s got a job to do, and it doesn’t include you.”

Brian made an inarticulate sound, indicating he’d had enough of this conversation about his sister.

“Not that I would mind if it was, but it’s none of your business. He’s hot, single from the looks of it, and if he found me remotely attractive after getting hit by a damn car, then there’s potential for rocking his world once I’m back to normal.”

Brian interrupted. “I’m going to attempt to block out the last two minutes of this conversation and ask you to go over what happened regarding the accident now that I’m here and wide awake to hear it.”

He scooted up a chair while I relayed what little I remembered. My gaze flicked to Colby’s pale face after my recount. He stood completely quiet while everyone seemed to absorb how very lucky I’d been. I was grateful when Sasha changed the subject.
