Page 8 of Bet Me Something

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“Okay, but we need to sweeten the deal, and I need at least three numbers, so I have a better chance.”

His interest was instantly piqued. “Oh, yeah, you want a side bet?”

It was tempting to put it all out there, offering up a reward such as a kiss, however we were amongst a small group of strangers, and I hadn’t had enough alcohol yet for liquid courage. “What do you have in mind?” I’d hoped my tone implied a glimmer of seduction, but he merely shook his head with a smile.

“How about if I win, I choose what we do tonight after dinner? And if you win, it’s lady’s choice.”

My eyes widened with the possibilities. “Anything?”

Apprehension clouded his features. “Um…what did you have in mind?”

One of the men beside him decided to add his own commentary. “I could come up with a few ideas.” His gaze leered toward me, making it clear what those thoughts entailed.

Colby glared at him. “Have some respect. She’s like my sister.”

The man raised a brow. “If you say so.”

“I definitely do. She grew up next door to me and is my good friend’s little sister.”

When Colby focused back on me, my cheeks were burning with embarrassment. Did he have to give the guy a biography? I turned toward the dealer. “You know what? Put the entire thing on the number two. It’ll make me feel good to waste his money, after all.”

“I was only trying to reiterate—”

My annoyance spilled over. “I get it, he gets it—Hell, the whole table gets it with your ten-minute explanation to ensure everyone is aware I’m like a little sister to you.”

He smirked. “Tell ya what. If you lose, you still get to pick what we do tonight. Okay?”

“That’s not much of a bet, however since my intention is to leave you up in the room while I go out to party by myself, I’ll take it.”

We watched the wheel spin, landing finally on the black two. Huh, maybe it was a sign that it could be my lucky night, after all.

* * *

Pushing awayfrom the restaurant table after our dinner, I felt completely stuffed. The steakhouse hadn’t exaggerated its reputation when it came to excellent food. “I can’t eat another bite.”

Colby raised a brow. “We have a chocolate soufflé coming, which means you’d better find a hollow leg or something.”

I’d managed to polish off a large steak, baked potato, and Caesar salad. “Not gonna happen.”

“Oh, please. I’ve seen you pack away as much as I can. Plus it’s refreshing for a change to go to a restaurant with a woman who loves to eat.”

I’d probably wolfed down more than his last five dates combined, considering the super thin model types he tended to go out with. I was tall, with my father’s statuesque build and my brothers’ metabolism. It had been a source of comedy my entire life to be able to consume food like I did. “I’ve never been shy about my appetite.”

He chuckled. “No, you haven’t, which is why you have to try the soufflé.”

Fifteen minutes later, I was precariously close to needing to be rolled upstairs. One bite had turned into a few, and now we were both feeling the pain. “Did you do this on purpose to ensure I wouldn’t request to go dancing at some club tonight?”

He grinned mischievously. “I thought you were leaving me up in the room.”

“Hmm, I should. But I think it’ll be more torture to make you escort me to where I have in mind.”

“Let me guess: you want to head up to the top of the Stratosphere to go on those death traps they call rides.”

I shook my head, a slow smile curving my lips. “Nope, but you’re gonna wish I did.”
