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This gave him more power over me, but it could not be helped.

I loved female things!

So much so that I submitted to him dressing me himself.

And found such fabric was heaven on my skin.

Stiff, scratchy, and hideous academy uniforms were a form of torture no girl should ever have to bear. Even the beloved garment I had sewn by hand was nothing to that soft pink material floating around me.

“You look stunning.”

I looked like a half-drowned rat with wet hair, but at least I was a very beautifully dressed half-drowned rat.

Grabbing my damp strands, I began to squeeze the water out before they left a mark on the outfit, only for him to stop me, directing my attention to a machine. A magical device that instantly dried my long hair so it could softly hang down my back.

Another simple pleasure females in the dormitories were denied. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to tend to our hair at the academy? Why refuse us such a simple kindness?”

“It is complicated and has much to do with human perception of what we are doing there. Drawing government attention by placing large requisitions for luxury products would ultimately cause the girls harm. And, as you know, females are permitted to cut their hair short like the males.”

“But we don’t want to be like men!”

“Nor do we, your males, want you to be anything other than what you are. But most importantly, we want you to be safe.” Eyes earnest, he took the machine from my grip and set it aside. “Once mated, depending on the male’s ability to provide, it all changes. I can give you anything you want.”

His boast was not missed, as I groused, “Or, you deny us these things so we might marvel and swoon when we’re finally treated with respect. I’m not stupid, Cyderial. You wield an advantage, seducing with dresses and magic machines.”

“But you are still smiling, even if you know I’m doing everything in my power to win you. You can’t help yourself,” he teased, utterly charmed by my irritation.

Yes, I could have two feelings at once. I was a higher lifeform, for goodness’ sake.

“I have more prepared for you, my love.” The male waved his hand over a touchpad, and the bathroom counters unfolded to display drawers filled with ornaments for my hair and a variety of cosmetics. “If these are not to your liking, others can be procured.”

Blinking at the collection, not having a clue what most of the cosmetics would be used for, I could not resist fingering such treasures… even as I narrowed my eyes at the man.

But perhaps I had some deeply rooted personal flaw, because I could not keep my attention on him. Not with so many new things to experience.

Oh, how I wanted to play!

But the male continued standing there, leaning against the doorframe, watching me intently. The hovering was unwelcome, so I cut him a glare. “The way you are staring is making me uncomfortable. I want privacy.”

To squeal and hoard and touch everything.

Arms over his chest, staring in that hungry way of his, he refused me. “No.”

He looked stately, even indolently leaning against the wall so he might watch.

Meanwhile, I was trying not to appear gleeful that there were six shades of lipstick to choose from.

While I chose a soft, neutral pink, he offered a low, “I would prefer if only I got to see your hair loose.”

Leaning toward the mirror, lipstick at my cupid’s bow, I asked, “Why?”

“It’s mine.”

No, it was actually mine. He may have offered to let me outside, but that too should have been a natural right. Bargaining with him in this way was not going to be good for me later. Not after I lost so much footing in my exuberance for his gifts. “I’ll be keeping it down.”

Grumbling from the corner, he gave me a not-so-subtle warning. “Are you sure that’s the choice you want to make?”

Glaring, I smacked my freshly painted lips. “Yes. I don’t have any pictures to mimic, and I don’t know how to use any of these tools. And before you make a terrible suggestion, I am not wearing a regulation bun the first time I get to go out in real clothes. I’m not an academy recruit anymore; I’m a mate. That’s what you wanted. Deal with it.”
