Page 133 of Enduring Darkness

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My bedroom.

The attackers.

Anger sears through me.

I’ve been kidnapped by the fucking Petrovs.

Blinking, I try to clear my unfocused vision quickly in order to take stock of my surroundings. I lift my hands to rub my eyes. Or rather, I try to. My forearms don’t move since they have apparently been tied to the arms of a metal chair. I stare down my bare chest and down over my black sleep pants to find that my ankles have been shackled to the legs of the chair as well, and the whole bloody thing appears to be bolted to the fucking floor.

The sound of a door being opened pulls my attention from the chair and up towards the rest of the room.

It’s some kind of windowless basement with concrete walls and floor, which could mean that we’re still at Blackwater. Though I don’t recognize this particular room, and I’ve scouted out most locations. In addition to the chair I’m currently occupying, there are a couple of tables by the walls, one of which Maksim is leaning against.

I shift my gaze to the three people who walk in through the gray metal door on the other side of the room. Mikhail, Anton, and Konstantin.

If my vision wasn’t still swimming slightly, I would’ve rolled my eyes. Instead, I settle for arching a pointed brow as I lock eyes with the eldest Petrov.

“I show you mercy and end the war that you were losing, and this is how you repay me?” I comment, and then tut as if Mikhail is nothing more than a disobedient child. “My, my, I knew the male side of the Petrov family was untrustworthy and dishonorable, but this is a new low. Even for you.”

“If I were you, I would be very careful not to insult my family right now,” a new voice says.

No, not a new voice. It’s the same voice that spoke right before I blacked out from whatever they injected me with.

Tearing my gaze from the four idiots who are approaching me, I shift it back to the still open doorway to find two more people walking across the threshold.

I suppress the impulse to raise my eyebrows.

Now this is a surprise.

Ivan Petrov, the head of the Petrov family and Alina, Mikhail, and Anton’s father, stalks into the room along with his brother, who is Maksim and Konstantin’s father. And if they’re here, it means that we’re not a Blackwater anymore. If I had to guess, I would say that I’m currently being held at the Petrov family house in the city. Which admittedly complicates things a bit.

My gaze shifts discreetly around the room again, but there is no sign of Alina. Which worries me.

However, I don’t dare to show any of that on my face because Mikhail and the other three have almost reached me now. The metal door bangs shut behind Ivan and his brother as they stride forward to take the two empty places in the middle of the half circle that their children have formed in front of me.

Shifting my gaze back to Mikhail, I flash him a mocking smile. “So this is how you managed to get into our house. You called your daddy for help.”

He backhands me across the face.

But I saw the strike coming, so I managed to brace myself and prevent my head from snapping to the side. That seems to infuriate Mikhail even more, and he raises his fist again. I just keep that mocking smile on my mouth.

“Enough,” Ivan says as he and his brother come to a halt in the middle of the semi-circle.

Mikhail and Anton stand on his right, and the twins on the other side. I slide a nonchalant glance over all six of them while discreetly testing my restraints again. The shackles don’t even give an inch.

This is going to be an interesting… night? Morning? Afternoon? Since there are no windows, I can’t tell how much time has passed while I was unconscious. But surely Jace will realize that I’ve been taken sooner or later. Hopefully sooner.

“We’ve brought you here to deliver a message,” Ivan continues, locking hard gray eyes on me.

“Most people would’ve just called or texted.” I lift my shoulders in an arrogant shrug. “But since I’m already here, go ahead.”

A muscle flickers in his jaw, and irritation flashes across his face. I almost chuckle. God, he’s as easy to rile as his sons.

“Stay,” Ivan begins, his voice dripping with threats. “The fuck. Away. From Alina.”

I make a show of looking around the room. “Yes, where is my little doe?”

His fist cracks into my jaw. This time, I didn’t have enough time to brace myself, so my head snaps to the side from the force of the strike while pain pulses through my bones.
