Page 138 of Enduring Darkness

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“Crying does not make you weak. It just means that you have been strong for too long.”

A sob rips from deep within my soul.

He holds me closer. “You never have to pretend with me. You never have to worry about looking weak or breakable. I already know how strong you are. So if you need to cry, cry. And if you need to break down, break down. I will help you pick up the pieces afterwards.”

My heart swells with relief and gratitude. How could I ever have believed that Kaden was cold and emotionless? He reads emotions better than anyone I have ever met, and he knew exactly what I needed to hear right now.

I tighten my arms around him. Pressing my cheek to his chest, I listen to the steady beat of his heart. The sound of it makes a warm sense of calm spread through my exhausted body.

“Can we go away somewhere next weekend?” I ask, still holding on to him. “Just you and me. I need to get away from all of this craziness for a few days and just breathe.”

“Of course we can. But are you sure your family will let you travel to some unknown place with their most hated enemy?”

“My family doesn’t let me do anything anymore. From now on, I do whatever the hell I want.”

His chest shakes as he chuckles. Then he leans down and kisses the top of my head. “That’s my girl.”



Despite Alina’s declaration, her brothers and cousins still spent the entire week trying to talk her out of it. But when Friday afternoon rolled around and I came to pick her up in my car, they had no choice but to let her go. Not before shooting me threatening looks from behind her back, though.

A faint smirk blows across my lips as I lie there in the large comfortable bed, resting my hand on Alina’s hip while she sleeps next to me. If they only knew what I spent all of last night doing to their little sister, then they would be storming our hotel room and shooting more than just threatening looks at me.

I glance down at the gorgeous woman lying pressed against my side. Her arm is draped over my chest, and she has one leg wrapped over mine as well. Blonde hair spills out across the white sheets, looking like a rippling waterfall. With every deep breath, her chest rises and falls against the side of my ribs. I study her face. Her lips are parted the tiniest bit, and by God and all of hell, I just want to reach out and trace my fingers over those perfect lips. But I manage to restrain myself. After last night, she no doubt needs the rest.

So instead, I tilt my head to the side and gaze out the window.

Rain pours down from the dark gray heavens. Just like it did last night. I scowl at the area outside the window.

I take us to a beautiful gothic mansion by the seaside, and it ends up raining as if it’s a bloody monsoon.

Hopefully, it will ease up today. Or tomorrow at least. Though to be honest, I wouldn’t mind spending all weekend locked up in this room with Alina. And given her enthusiasm last night, I don’t think she would mind either.

Movement outside the window catches my eye.

At first, my whole body goes on high alert since I can’t help but think that it might be her brothers who have come back for round two. Or round two hundred and two. Or whatever number of attacks we’re currently at.

But as I stare out the window, the man who walked out into the garden outside is joined by a woman. He grabs her by the hands and pulls her to his chest. She laughs as she embraces him.

Rain pours down on them, soaking them both.

But they just laugh and tilt their faces up to the sky and start dancing in the rain.

My heart twists painfully.

“What’s wrong?”

I blink in surprise, and then draw in a breath to steady myself before shifting my gaze back to Alina. She’s awake now, watching me with big curious eyes.

“Nothing,” I say, trying to brush aside the uncomfortable feelings that surged through my chest.

She fixes me with a commanding stare. “Don’t give me that.”

Heaving a defeated sigh, I rake my fingers through my hair and then nod towards the window. The couple outside is still laughing and dancing in the rain and being utterly fucking adorable.

“I will never be able to give you that,” I say, suddenly not daring to meet Alina’s gaze.
