Page 35 of Enduring Darkness

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My clit throbs.

Tension pulses inside me like a storm.

I crawl forward again.

Release crackles through me.

The orgasm I have been trying so desperately to hold off washes through my body like a raging flood. I gasp as the pleasure sweeps through me with such intensity that my whole body trembles on the floor.

Kaden immediately crouches down in front of me. I shift my head, trying to hide my face. But he grabs my chin and mercilessly tilts my head back so that I’m staring straight up at him.

Moans and whimpers drip from my lips as I come hard enough to soak my panties. Above me, Kaden studies every inch of my face as if it’s the most fascinating thing he has ever seen.

Pleasure continues flickering through my veins for another few seconds.

Then it dies out, and I’m left an embarrassed wet mess who’s tied up on the floor with my enemy’s hand around my jaw and his intense dark eyes boring into mine.

My chest heaves.

I drag in a shuddering breath and glance towards the door. I didn’t make it. And Kaden told me that if I stopped moving…

Oh God. He’s going to leave me here now. Tied up and drenched in my own cum. If someone else, especially one of my brothers or cousins, finds me like this, I’m going to locate the nearest gun and shoot myself in the head so that I won’t have to live down that embarrassment.

Crouching before me, Kaden still studies me with that astonished expression in his eyes. It sends a surprised jolt through me. I once more try to lower my head so that he can’t see my face and my very flushed cheeks, but his hand around my jaw keeps me firmly in place.

“You didn’t make it to the door,” he says, his voice sounding oddly hoarse.

Dread crashes over me because this is it. This is the moment he stands up and walks out the door, leaving me here.

“Please,” I beg. Because against the power he holds over me right now, begging is all I can do.

His gaze drifts over my body before returning to my face again. “But I think you might just have earned your freedom anyway.”

Hope surges inside me.

Kaden releases my jaw and stands up again. I twist my head and watch has he walks around me and then crouches down next to my legs instead.

My heart leaps as he slides out a knife and spins it once in his hand.

I suck in a sharp breath as he places the point of the blade against my hip. But all he does is to carefully trace the knife downwards.

A dark thrill races down my spine as he draws the knife along the curve of my ass like a caress. My heart is beating so hard against my ribs that I swear I can hear it through the floor. New sparks of fire surge to life in my lower belly as Kaden traces his blade along the curve of my ass on the other side as well.

As if he can hear my heart pounding too, he glances at me from the corner of his eye while a faint smirk lurks on his lips.

Then he swiftly and efficiently shifts his knife down and cuts the ropes binding my legs. I stretch them out while he moves on to the ropes around my waist, wrists, and elbows.

Relief washes through my limbs as Kaden frees the rest of my body.

I roll my shoulders and wrists while he gets to his feet. Once I’ve gotten the slight prickling sensation out of my arms and legs, I stand up as well.

Kaden remains where he is, towering over me from just half a stride away. I resist the impulse to take a step back. Instead, I watch him nonchalantly twirl the knife in his hand for a few seconds before I drag my gaze up to his face.

That mesmerized expression from earlier is gone now. He no longer looks at me as if he finds me fascinating. Instead, he watches me with that customary cold, arrogant expression that makes him look like a prince of hell.

A cruel smirk tilts his lips as he shoots a pointed look down at my pussy. “I would suggest telling your brothers that you spilled some water on yourself.”

My gaze snaps down to my skirt. Mortification crashes over me when I find a darker blue spot at the front of my skirt, evidence of my very untimely orgasm. I quickly twist my skirt so that the wet spot is instead located at my hip.
