Page 141 of Irresistible Darkness

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But the incredible feeling is abruptly cut off as a thud sounds, follow by a cry of pain from Kayla.

Rage roars through me. It’s so fierce that it nearly blinds me.

“You lay a hand on her one more fucking time, and I will break every bone in your body twice before I finally bash your head in,” I growl.

“And why is that?” the gravelly voice calls back, now sounding wary and suspicious.

“Because Kayla Ashford is mine.”

“And who the fuck are you?”

“Jace Hunter.”

Silence descends on the deserted grounds.

Then I swear I can hear the man inside curse under his breath. No one wants the Hunter family as an enemy.

“Lionel fucking Henderson,” he growls. “I should’ve done more than just shoot him in the leg.”

Shock pulses through me. Lionel? Is he a part of this? Fuck, I knew it. I always had a bad feeling about him.

“Listen,” the man calls, his voice now a lot less threatening and a lot more pleading. “I got pulled into this not knowing the true scope of it. So how about this? I walk out this door with Kayla. Then when I reach my car, I release her and drive away.”

“Or I can just shoot you the moment you step outside.”

“If you do that, I will take Kayla down with me.”

“Choose your next words very carefully.”

He is silent for a few seconds. “I walk out with Kayla, we go to my car, I release her, and then I leave. No one will hurt her.”

Watching the doorway, I consider my options. I could try to take him out. But Kayla has already confirmed that he has a gun. And despite the fact that I am an excellent fucking shot, there is still a risk that he has time to squeeze the trigger before he dies.

And I can’t take that risk.

“Alright,” I reply. “Agreed.”

Two seconds pass. Then a man with a shaved head walks out the door. He is unarmed and is holding his hands raised where I can see them. I frown.

His gaze darts across the area, then he notices me. Wariness is written in every line of his face, but all he does is to turn so that he is facing me while he slowly starts moving away from the door. He is wearing a black suit like the others, which means that he is likely a bodyguard to this man as well.

Then fiery red hair comes into view in the doorway.

My heart clenches as I stare at the side of Kayla’s face.

Her gaze darts towards me where I’m standing directly on her right, but she doesn’t turn her head because there is a gun pressed against the back of her skull. And a man’s hand on her shoulder.

Fury burns through me.

I flex my fingers on the gun by my side and raise that as well. I keep one weapon trained on the unarmed bodyguard and the other on the man who is now stepping out of the building.

Red light from the setting sun falls across his face as he becomes visible.

Surprise flickers through me.

It’s Gregor Doyle.

Rico has been talking about him several times in the past few months. Apparently, he has started to get a little too greedy. A little too sure of his power. A little too inclined to forget that no one operates an underworld business in this state without the Morelli family’s blessing. And that blessing can be taken away just as easily as it was given. Which is what Rico has been talking about doing.
