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Mr. Dalton draws a hand through his hair and lets out an embarrassed laugh. “I never said, because I hadn’t figured anything out yet.” He straightens and then gives both me and Jace a nod. “But I have now. Come with me and I’ll show you.”

Turning around, he motions for us to follow as he starts towards the other side of the parking lot.

Sunlight gleams in the spotless windows of the cars that we pass as we make our way towards the side that is framed by both the street we took to get here and the one that runs perpendicular to it.

Jace leans closer, a smirk on his face, and whispers, “Need a handkerchief?”

“Shut up,” I hiss, and cast a quick look to make sure that Mr. Dalton didn’t overhear.

A soft chuckle escapes Jace’s throat. I shake my head at him as we walk the final distance to the spot that Richard Dalton was apparently heading for. Both Jace and I stop when he does. My gaze drifts over the space before us. Or rather, over the cars before us.

There are two entire rows of cars lined up in the otherwise empty part of the parking lot. And all of them are covered in what looks like mud. Or maybe wet sand.

Richard turns to us and gives us a smile that almost looks a little apologetic. “My newest shipment came in yesterday.” He motions towards the cars behind him. “But as you can see, the car carrier trailer that brought them here got caught in some really terrible weather. So the rain and the sand turned the cars into… Well, as you can see, they’re not particularly clean anymore.”

“And you need our help to wash them,” I say, my eyes still on the rows of dirty cars.

Mr. Dalton clears his throat a bit self-consciously. “Yes.”

I turn towards Jace, a wicked grin on my face. “Well, you’d better get to it then.”

For a while, Jace just continues staring at the cars. Then he drags his gaze to me. I smile and bat my lashes at him in my best imitation of innocence. He narrows his eyes at me.

“The bargain,” he says, his voice coming out low and full of threats, as he gives me an expectant look.

I roll my eyes and wave a hand in the air. “Yes, yes. I promise that I will keep my end of the bargain.”

“You’d better.”

The dark promises in his tone send a ripple down my spine.

Blocking it out, I instead give Jace one more smirk and then start towards the little patio a short distance away. It looks like a place where the staff can go to smoke on their break, or something like that, because there are several chairs waiting there in the shade. I sit down in one of them while Mr. Dalton shows Jace where the water and buckets and sponges are.

Once the owner has finished, he hurries back to the main entrance across the parking lot. I lean back in my chair, cross my ankles, and watch as Jace stands there on the asphalt, staring at the mass of cars.

He glances up at the blistering sun above. Then he heaves a sigh.

And then he grabs the hem of his white t-shirt and yanks it over his head.

My heart skips several beats.

After dropping the shirt on the ground, he rolls his shoulders back and walks over to the hose. I stare at the way his muscles flex when he grabs the hose and turns on the water.

Water sprays through the air, hitting the nearest car. The drops glitter in the bright sunlight as they fill the air like mist. But I can’t take my eyes off Jace.

God damn it. Did he have to be this fucking hot? It’s such an unnecessary complication.

On the street, a few passersby slow their walk as they watch Jace as well. Some leave the sidewalk and drift onto the parking lot. But they’re looking at Jace more than the cars, so I’m not sure if they’re actually here for a vehicle or for the free show.

Once Jace has hosed down the nearest car, he grabs a sponge and dunks it in a bucket of water and car shampoo. White foam drips from his strong hands as he lifts it up. I stare, completely transfixed as he starts washing the car.

The muscles in his chest and arms shift as he runs that sponge back and forth, and his hard abs tighten as he twists slightly.

My thighs clench, and I have to adjust my position in the chair as a throbbing sensation starts in my clit.

Fucking hell, is this what his naked body would look like in bed too? Is this how his lethal muscles would flex if he were to grip my thigh and hoist it up before thrusting into me?

Images of Jace above me and below me and in front of me in all kinds of positions flash through my mind.
