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“I’m just that good.”

She scoffs. “Always so arrogant.”

“It’s not really arrogance when you can back it up.”

Grinding her teeth, she yanks against my grip on her wrist. “Just let me go.”

“I will. Once you apologize for sneaking off and making my job harder.”

“I don’t give a shit if I make your job harder.”

“Then I suppose I don’t give a shit if you spend the night pinned to the wall in this alley.”

A growl rips from her throat, and she once again tries to use her free hand to bend my fingers off her wrist. I tighten my hand around her throat until I’m almost cutting off her air completely.

My eyes are hard and full of authority as I stare her down. “You give me shit, and I’ll give you shit.”

She glares back at me with eyes like hellfire for another few seconds. Then she angrily yanks her free hand back down. I let her breathe properly again.

“Now, apologize,” I demand.

I know that she hates this. Which is why I love doing it. I love riling her up and watching her get all flustered.

“Fuck you,” she snaps.

Shaking my head, I tut as if I’m disappointed. Though in reality, I love it when she fights me like this. There truly never is a dull moment with this little demon around.

“Really?” I say, making a show of looking surprised. “You had no problems following orders last Sunday. Some of them, at least.” I let a teasing smirk slide home on my lips as I give her a knowing look. “Should I tell you to take off your clothes again? You responded very well to that command.”

Red flushes her cheeks. A low snarl rips from her lungs as she struggles hard against the wall. But she’s no match for my strength, so she’s not going anywhere unless I allow it.

“You fucking arrogant bastard—” she growls, but I cut her off.

“If this is you trying to apologize, you’re off to a terrible start.” I shrug. “Just saying.”

Another frustrated noise tears from her chest, and she stomps her foot on the ground again. “Just get off me!”

“I will. When you apologize.”

“Fine!” The word rips from her throat as she glares up at me with furious eyes. “I’m sorry.”

I grin down at her. “See? Was that so hard?”

“Just let me go.”

Since she did indeed apologize, I do release my grip on her. Though I would’ve preferred a more sincere apology. Perhaps a bit of groveling. But we’ll work our way up to that.

Her blue eyes flash as she gives my chest a shove that does absolutely nothing to push me back.

“I hate you,” she growls as she slips out from between my body and the wall.

Angry footsteps echo between the brick walls as she starts stomping away. I chuckle and follow her.

“No, you don’t,” I reply with a grin.

And then I make sure to walk as close to her as physically possible all the way back to her apartment.

