Page 17 of Redemption Road

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“No,” she said, scowling. “And you’re not going to tell her. Besides, I’m not out in public. I’m at a private residence. Who’s going to see me?”

“Your mom when you walk through the door to go home.” She opened the door wider and he stepped inside. And then he whispered, “I heard you’ve been a busy bee today. I just got a visit from my mother.”

“Hmm,” Mac said, her cheeks coloring, and then she straightened her shoulders and tilted her chin in a way that reminded him so much of his Aunt Simone he almost laughed out loud. “I just reported the truth as I witnessed it. Besides, lots of people saw what happened to Zoe. When I went over to The Lampstand it was all anyone was talking about.”

“I’m sure,” he said. “And then you decided to stop by and check on her. You’re like the Good Samaritan. Your mother will be so proud.”

“Hey, I wanted to make sure she was okay,” Mac said.

“What are the two of you whispering about?” Zoe asked from the couch. “You’re really bad at it by the way. People were talking about me at The Lampstand?”

“The important thing is you’re okay,” Mac said, giving Colt a narrowed look. “I came over as soon as I could after work to check on her. Aren’t you supposed to stay awake when you have a concussion? What if Zoe was here all alone and she went into a coma. I doubt Chewy could call 911.”

“I wouldn’t put it past him,” Colt said. “And because I got a visit from my mother, it’s only fair that your mother knows about your involvement in all this. Gossips never prosper.”

“It’s cheaters never prosper, you goof,” Mac said. “Besides, I’m spending the night at Ginny’s anyway. Mom will never find out about the pajamas.”

Colt just grinned and ignored Mac’s indignant gasp.

“You wouldn’t dare,” she said.

“Am I missing something?” Zoe asked. “What’s wrong with your pajamas?”

“I’m wearing them out in public,” Mac said. “If you knew my mother this would make sense. She does not approve of gallivanting about in one’s pajamas around town. She’s from England. Very proper. And Colt is trying to blackmail me. But I’m not going to cave.”

“Ahh,” Zoe said, looking back and forth between the cousins.

“You can volunteer a couple of hours at the clinic,” Colt said. “It’s only fair after the active afternoon you’ve had giving the replay of our lives.”

“You sound just like my dad,” Mac said. “He says just because everyone else is talking doesn’t mean I need to jump on the train.”

“Your dad is a wise man,” Colt said, squeezing Mac’s shoulder with affection. “Maybe he should give the same speech to Aunt Simone and my mother.”

“But it’s like I tell him,” Mac said. “We’re really doing a service for the community.”

Colt groaned after hearing words similar to his mother’s, and then he looked at Zoe, deciding she probably thought they were both crazy.

“Hey,” he said.

Her face was passive and her thoughts were hidden. But he could sense her wariness. Raven had been right. There was a whole lot of hurt behind the façade of what his mother called a “company” smile.

“I wasn’t expecting to see you again,” she said. “I thought you were kidding about the house calls.”

“I told you before I left I’d come check on you and bring dinner,” he said. “My mom brought over a lasagna.”

“Oh, man!” Mac said. “Aunt Anne’s lasagna. You’re forgiven, and because I’m about to have the best meal ever I don’t even care if you tell my mother about the pajamas. Today is the greatest. Chewy gets paroled, and I get lasagna. You’re in for a real treat, Zoe.”

Colt sighed, realizing that his expectations for the evening had gone off course. He hadn’t expected Mac to be third-wheeling his evening. Apparently, the expression on his face let on more than he’d planned because he caught Zoe’s smirk.

“Lasagna sounds great,” she said.

“I’ll fix our plates,” Mac said, taking the dish from his hand. “Come on, Chewy. You can help me in the kitchen.”

Colt waited until Mac was gone and then moved toward Zoe.

“I’m not going to bite,” he said, his mouth quirking when he saw her draw back farther into the cushions.

“I don’t know,” she said, relaxing and answering his smile. “For a second there you were looking at me like dinner. I got a little nervous.”
