Page 109 of Never Been Tamed

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I realize then that he's nervous, and I shake my head. "Oh honey, I get over stuff very quickly."

"So you think you could possibly see us getting married within a year?"

"Jackson," I say. "A year's nothing."

"It's a long time."

"What about if I say I'm okay with getting engaged within a year?"

"And you're okay with having a short engagement?" he says eagerly, and it's my turn to laugh.

"I'm okay with having a short engagement." I nod.

"Good," he says. He kisses me on the lips again, and I run my fingers down the side of his face. I can feel his heart beating next to mine, and I've never felt so at peace about anything before in my life. There's a slight knock on the door and we both pause. "Who is it?" Jackson says.

"It's Lila."

"Come in.” He calls out.

She opens the door and walks in slowly, her hands over her eyes.

"Lila, what are you doing?" I say, giggling.

"I didn't want to look in case you guys were naked or something."

"We wouldn't have told you to come in if we were naked, silly."

"Oh yeah," she says, moving her hands from in front of her eyes. She walks over to the bed and has a seat. "So what's the plan for today?"

"I think we're just going to hang out," Jackson says.

"Hey, Lila. I have something to tell you," I say softly.

She stares at me for a couple of seconds. "What is it? Oh my gosh, don't tell me you're pregnant. I mean, that's kind of cool. I've always wanted to be an aunt and most probably a godmother, but..."

"I'm not pregnant." I laugh. "Come on now. How would I be pregnant this quickly?"

"I don't know. Stranger things have happened."

"No, it's not that I am pregnant. It's just something that I need to tell you," I say.

She looks at me for a couple of seconds, and realization dawns in her eyes. "Holy shit. She was right."

"What?" I stare at her in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Last night, I was walking around the back of the house because I wanted to check out the pool. And Maisy, Jackson's grandma's friend, was there and she said to me that she knew a secret."

"She did?" Jackson says. "And what was that secret?"

"She said that you guys weren't really engaged, but you were really in love, and that everything was going to work out but that I shouldn't be nervous if the engagement gets called off." She looks at me as my face flushes. "Holy shit. She was right. How did she know that?"

"I have no idea," I say. My jaw drops and I look over at Jackson. "Now, do you think she's a psychic?"

"No," he says, though I can tell that he's confused as well. "But you're right, Lila. I asked Zara to pretend to be my fiancé because my grandma kept trying to hook me up. And I knew I had feelings for her and I wanted to be closer and spend more time with her. But we both kind of realized that the feelings we have for each other are real, but we don't want to have to fake the engagement because when I propose to Zara for real, I want it to mean something."

Lila falls back onto the bed and holds her hands up in the air. “Take me away! That is so sweet and so romantic." She rolls over and stares at us, her big blue eyes happy. "I think I've just died and gone to romance heaven. That is so amazing."

"You're not mad at me?" I say.
