Page 101 of Highest Bidder

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“With Dad’s actual business practices coming to light, it’s clear he’s involved in some shady shit. But in the shower, I got an idea, and I want to run it by you.”


Chapter 47


“Hear me out before you say no,” I begin, hoping she won’t interrupt much. “This situation has been awful, to say the very least?—"


“And I think you should get something out of it.”

Her brow lowers, almost like a curious frown. “Go on.”

“Dad doesn’t know you’ve been released, and to our knowledge, he doesn’t know who took you.”

“Do you want to call him or something?”

“I do. I really do. But I want to tell him the kidnappers are demanding four hundred K for your release.”

She laughs. “Wait, what?”

“It’s the perfect plan. He’ll unfreeze my account so I can withdraw the money, and I’ll just pay it to you, instead of Andre Moeller.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“I am deadly serious, June. You deserve that and more.”

“Yeah, I do, but?—"

“And he will definitely unfreeze my account for this if I tell him I’m going to the police and the press otherwise.”

She laughs, dragging her fingers through her hair. “You want to blackmail your own father?”

My jaw clenches. Can’t be helped. “It’s the least he deserves after all of this. This whole thing started with him. He should pay for what he’s done.”

She takes a deep breath and shakes her head. “This is crazy, Anderson.”

“I might be crazy, but I’m not wrong.”

Her head bobs from side to side, like she’s considering it. “Okay, you’re not wrong. He deserves to pay for what he’s done, but?—

“Most importantly, you deserve to finally be paid. You’ve been through enough with my family.”

Her attention catches on that. “And after I get paid, what then?”

“Then you’re free of us.” Oh. Crap. I don’t want that. “If you want to be, I mean.”

“It’s an interesting proposition. I’ll have to fake being sick a while longer for work, though. Pretty sure your dad would get suspicious if I showed up at work before this was settled.”

“How? He doesn’t work there.”

“No, but he’s pretty well connected. If he wanted to keep an eye out for me, work is a good place to start, right?”

She has a point. “So, you take some time off. It’s good for you, and you’ve earned it.”

June smiles to herself. “I can’t think of another way to get paid soon.”
