Page 121 of Brutal Ambition

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Recover doesn’t seem like the right word. I get to a point where I can stand again, but the moment he lets me go, I feel bereft.

He takes my hand and hauls me back into the opera house to finish our tour, but it’s not enough contact. I need to be closer to him.

I wander aimlessly through one more room, but I can’t enjoy myself anymore. I feel like an addict who can only concentrate on their next fix, so I ask, “Can we go back to the hotel?”

He seems surprised, but this whole trip is for me, so of course he says yes.

We spend the rest of the afternoon in bed together, touching, fucking, and being as close as humanly possible.

I never want to leave him.

I never want him to leave me.

Even when my body couldn’t possibly take another round, I curl close to him, absently caressing his perfectly chiseled pecs before settling my hand over his heart and my head on his shoulder.

I’ve been dreaming of a feeling like this my whole life, and my imagination fell short.

Because this is… everything.

I know it’s absolutely crazy, but I know what I feel.

This can only be love.

Chapter Thirty-three


When my eyes open, the hotel room is dark. The only light streaming in is from the street and the opera house across the way.

I’m completely naked, but I don’t have even a twinge of shyness when I feel Killian’s big hand come around and cup my breast as his lips brush my back. My body is his domain now, and he can do anything he wants to it.

I smile softly, feeling utterly at peace. “Good morning.”

He chuckles. “Good evening. You need to get up.”

“I can’t. I live in this bed now. Can you fill out the change of address forms for me?”

“Can I take this to mean you won’t fight me about staying with me now?”

“I couldn’t resist the chance to spend every night in your bed if I tried,” I answer honestly.

“Damn,” he murmurs, not bothering to hide his smugness. “I guess I fucked you good today, didn’t I?”

I know he’s teasing so I smile, but I also know that in some ways I feel like a different person than I was when I woke up this morning, so… yes, he most certainly did.

It’s not just the sex, though.

This whole trip is just…

You have to love someone to do something like this for them.

And I know all the reasons I shouldn’t, but to hell with them.

I’ll love him back.

And making that decision, giving up that fight, letting him all the way in…

It feels freeing.
