Page 40 of Donned in Black

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“See him?”


“Good. Princess, listen.”


“Take care of my boy.”

I choke up and screech the tires while pulling up violently in front of them.

“Help!” I leap out of the car, scaring the woman back.

“Holy shit,” she says while looking in to see Donny.

“C’mon, both of you. Help me with him,” the doctor says.

The next minute is a blur of adrenaline. I use every ounce of strength to help haul the beast out of his car and onto the stretcher. We roll him fast into a concrete warehouse.

The rest is out of my hands.

Chapter 13


I wake up in the middle of the night with tubes all over me. A heart rate monitor sounds like it’s beeping underwater. My vision is spotty, and I’m drenched in sweat.

Once I realize where I am, I flail, but a gentle hand to my chest stills me.


“You could be halfway to Disney World by now,” I say in an airy voice. My body is so tender I can feel my vocal chords vibrating.

“The Godfather, ladies and gentlemen,” a voice comes from my other side.

I turn to see Sal, my brother in all but blood, and John the Scar Picatto in the corner.

It hurts to smile.

“The hard Stallion. Two shots. One to the arm, one to the side. Watch out 50 Cent. When’s your first rap album?” Sal jokes.

“Does he ever turn off?” Ellie asks me.

“If he does, then you know something’s wrong.” I let my head fall back on my pillow and grab Ellie’s hand. “I said no hospitals.”

“C’mon, Donny. You’re only alive because the events played out the way they did. Doctor Vesio did what he could to stabilize you. But you needed emergency surgery to get the bullet lodged in your arm out,” Sal says.

“Mmph,” I grunt. “I hate to see a Valentino checked in. So many eyes will be on us. Cops.”

“Do you ever turn off?” Ellie asks next. “We’ve all been worried sick about you. I met the rest of your crew, finally. They’re good people. Nice wives too.”

“You’ll be one of them, one day,” I say, not sure if it’s the morphine talking.

Ellie blushes and looks at Sal opposite her.

“Oh boy,” Sal says. “Better not put you in front of the authorities right now. You’ll sing like Lizzo on the beach.”

“Any sign of my father?” I ask.
