Page 50 of Donned in Black

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“Kettle, straight up. No ice,” Donny says.

The bartender bows and gets to work.

“I didn’t expect you today,” Arthur says discreetly.

“Me and my lady here needed a break. I’m sure it won’t be a problem?” Donny says.

“More of a pleasure, actually. It’s nice to finally start repaying you favors. The suite on the fifty-seventh floor overlooking the Hudson is all yours. Champagne will be sent, as well as first class meals when called for. Other than that, no one will bother you.” He hands two cardkeys to Donny.

Another tingle tickles my toes. Watching others so eager to please him makes me want to one-up them in ways only I can. He’s magnetic and powerful without even trying. I’m lucky to be at his side.

The drinks are served in swanky, oddly shaped glasses. “Is there anything else I can get you?” Arthur asks.

Donny slaps a hundred-dollar-bill on the bar and Arthur shoos the bartender away. “I want forty percent on the next job I’m about to offer you. Nod if you accept.”

He does, then looks at me, asking silently whether I’m good to hear.

“She’s good,” Donny says casually. “Two VIPs will be flying in from Italy. They will have aliases and be operating all cash. They’ll show up here and pay six-times market price for a sound-proof suite. I’ll need security tapes altered and will be constructing an alibi. There will be no violence, no trafficking. Pure snow. Capisce?”

Arthur shuts his eyes, likely combing through all the logistics. He eventually nods.

“I knew I could count on you, Artie.” Donny grabs the back of Arthur’s head affectionately. “Now, why don’t you get one for yourself and we’ll toast to the occasion.”

“I must regretfully decline. I deal with too many uppities to have my breath smelling like alcohol. Unless you want to be dealing with a less cool Artie next time you show up?” He smiles wide, and so does Donny.

“Go on, get out of here,” Donny dismisses him.

“Have an extra one for me. And please, holler if you need anything.”

“Party pooper,” I say as I cheers Donny. “Nice to meet you, Artie. Maybe next time.”

We hold our glasses up to him as he walks hurriedly away.

“He’s a good kid,” Donny says. “He’ll help us with our grand expansion.”

“Going to take over the world, my love?” I ask.

“One step at a time. But yes, the Valentinos will have the empire the mob lost. There’s always opportunity, it’s just sitting in different places these days.”

I look up at his steel eyes. Even after being shot, there’s not an ounce of fear in him. That’s what separates him from the rest. He’s bold, calculating, and refuses to back down. Whatever doubt I had that day in the safe house with Gio starts to melt like ice in the Sahara.

“I need some of your nerve.”

“Why, what’s the matter? Cold feet?” He eyes me suspiciously.

“I’m terrified of the Russians.”

He puts an arm around me and walks me toward the elevator bank – drinks in hand like he owns the place. “I’ve done many of these auctions, unfortunately.”

“Unfortunately? Didn’t they make you your fortune?”

“Much of it, yes. But I don’t particularly enjoy the business of birds. There’s a code this thing of ours used to live up to. Anyone on the inside signs up to the dangers of it. But once you bring trafficking into the mix, that code goes out the window. None of them asked for it.”

It gives me comfort to see Donny still has a conscience and a moral compass, even if it fell on the floor a few times. It’s nice knowing my monster has a heart.

“My father used to talk a lot about the ‘right way’ to do things,” I say. “He lived by that code you preach, I think.”

“I wouldn’t know. The Shadow shunned us since I was a kid. Kind of like you did.” He eyes me again with narrowed eyes.
