Page 32 of Ty

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Unease crawled up Kelsie’s spine. Something about the jewelry tickled her memory. She continued to trail her gaze over him. The second she focused on his face, her stomach lurched, and she gagged violently. He had a moon-shaped birthmark on his cheek she’d never forget.

Her stomach heaved again. She scrambled to shove the door open and vomited on the ground next to Brooke’s car.

When the abdominal spasms passed, she was left weak and shaking. She glanced up in time to see the man slip into a pricy sports car a few spots over, completely oblivious to her.

Memories, the horrifying ones she had been trying to block out for the past few months, assaulted her. Kelsie squeezed her eyes shut and slapped a palm to her forehead. “Go away,” she whispered. Opening her eyes, she caught the man pulling out of the parking spot while chatting into a phone mounted on his dashboard. He laughed as he looked over his shoulder and reversed the car.

He was a monster. And he didn’t have a care in the world, driving his luxury vehicle and picking up his lunch like any normal human being.

Rage replaced the shock, starting low in her stomach and spiraling out through her entire body until she felt like she could vibrate right off the earth with the force of her hatred. That piece of shit did not deserve to smile and laugh, not after what he’d done to her and who knew how many others.

She slammed the door shut, yanked Brooke’s car into reverse, and pulled up behind the fucker who’d purchased her in an auction.


A HORN BLARED as Kelsie flew through a yellow light—okay, fine, red—one car behind the sporty Beamer. Shopping centers whizzed by as she navigated the busy streets without paying a lick of attention to where she was. All her focus narrowed on the silver car transporting the devil.

After ten minutes, he pulled into the parking lot of an automotive shop. Kelsie swung in and parked Brooke’s car opposite him. She watched through the rearview mirror as the man jogged from his car into the shop without a care in the world, as though he hadn’t ruined her life.

Would he do it again? Would he find another way to purchase a woman and violate her in the worst way? When the Handlers rescued Brenna and her, they’d taken care of anyone in the building. Some were arrested, and others had been dealt with before the cops were called in by an anonymous caller long after she and her rescuers had fled the scene.

But not this guy. He must have had alternate plans that night. He was probably home with his oblivious wife and children, enjoying a nice dinner and a nightcap.

Fucking monster.

She needed to do something. He couldn’t be allowed to hurt another woman.

And she was going to stop him.

Kelsie whipped her head back and forth, frantically searching for anything to help her. Nothing caught her eye. Brooke kept her damn car as clean as the day she drove it off the lot. Kelsie lifted the center console and rifled through the contents, sending a packet of tissues flying in her frantic search.

Dog treats.

Hand sanitizer.

A baggie of hair ties.

Fucking nothing.

She yanked the glove box open with trembling hands and rummaged through the contents. Brooke’s registration fell out as Kelsie’s hand bumped something hard and metal.

She froze.

Holy shit. Was that a gun?

She grasped the object and drew it from the glove box without breathing. It’d been ages since she’d held a weapon, but her youth’s training hadn’t failed her. She checked the clip with competent movements and then clicked the safety off.

The beast would never hurt anyone again.

TY GLANCED UP as the bell over the door jangled, indicating a customer’s arrival.

“I got it, boss,” Jinx said as he strode from the stock room. The bastard sent a mischievous wink Ty’s way, knowing that Ty hated it when he called him boss. Of course, that made Jinx say it every five seconds.


“Hey, man,” Jinx approached a register. “How can I help you?”

“The BMW dealership is out of the tires I need and won’t have them in until the end of the week. They said you might have them.” His disdain-filled voice had Ty glancing up, curious to see who the owner was.
