Page 42 of Ty

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The man from the tire shop sat bound to a chair in the center of the room. Curly, Spec, and Lock leaned against the walls, arms folded.

“So,” Spec said as he walked to the man in the chair. He slapped his hands on the guy’s shoulders, making him flinch. “What’s the deal with our man, Fletcher, here? Jinx didn’t have much to report. Just that this guy is a piece of shit who needed a little special attention. And he might be one of the motherfuckers who hurt our girl.”

Fletcher? Pretentious fucking name, but it made sense. A guy who thought he had the right to purchase and abuse women would have a pretentious name.

Ty owed Spec a thank you for not outing Kelsie by her real name. The last thing they needed was this guy coming after her. Not that he would be able to do shit to Kelsie once they finished here, but why take an unnecessary risk?

“You know who we are?” Ty asked, snarling down at Fletcher. His knuckles itched to connect with the man’s haughty face.

Fletcher’s cheek and eye were bruised, probably from struggling against Jinx's hold, but not nearly as many as he’d have soon. Sweat ran down his face and soaked through his suit jacket. The shack was hot as hell, so he had to be roasting. Any extra discomfort their guest could experience thrilled Ty.

“You’re bikers. And you have something to do with that crazy bitch from the tire shop.” Despite his vulnerable position, Fletcher spoke with authority as though he held all the cards. “Seriously, man, you should get your woman some help because I’ve never seen that bitch before.”

Spec clamped down on Fletcher’s shoulders until the man cringed. “Call her a bitch again,” he whispered low and deadly. “Dare you.”

“We are bikers,” Ty said, stepping forward and cracking his knuckles. “The same bikers who broke up a human trafficking ring run out of Stray nightclub. Ring any bells?”

Spec’s eyes narrowed as the realization of this man’s connection to Kelsie took hold.

Fletcher paled. “I-I have no idea what you’re talking about, man. Never been there. That bi…” Spec squeezed, “… woman say she saw me there?”

Ty stared him down.

“Yikes,” Spec said with an exaggerated shiver. “He is pissed.” He leaned down to speak at Fletcher’s ear again. “I’ve known him for a good while now, and I have to say, I have never seen the man this pissed. Not sure how this is gonna play out for you, buddy.”

Across the room, Jinx let out a loud laugh.

“All right.” Spec chuckled. He slapped the side of Fletcher’s head hard enough to make the man wince. “You got me. I know exactly how this is gonna play out. Hope you got life insurance.”

“This is insane!” Fletcher yelled, thrashing against the bindings. “I’m telling you, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t know who she is.”

The fucking liar.

A man who had no problem doing the crime but didn’t have the stones to admit it was the weakest kind of creature.

“Maybe you need a little reminder.” Ty grabbed the asshole’s throat and squeezed. Spec stepped back, letting Ty do whatever he wanted. Fletcher’s eyes bugged, and his face turned tomato red within seconds. A high-pitched gurgle came from his constricted throat. “Is it coming back to you?”

Fletcher struggled but couldn’t reach for Ty’s hands since his were tied down. His lips moved, but no more sound came.

“You did this to her. After you bid on her, purchased her, and raped her, you cut off her air until she passed out.”

No one dared to breathe. On an abstract level, they all knew what had happened to Kelsie. Human traffickers had held her for over a week. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what had been done to her, but hearing the actual words made it real on a level they’d been able to compartmentalize before.

Not anymore. Now, they had one of the bastards at their mercy, and they knew exactly what he’d done to Kelsie and who knew how many other women.

“How does it feel?” he asked in a low, growly voice. “To know your consciousness is slipping away with each passing second, and you have no idea if you’ll ever wake up again. Do you like being on this end?”

Fletcher's eyes began to roll back in his head. His struggles ceased, and just as it seemed he would lose consciousness, Ty released his throat and smacked his cheek to jolt him awake. Fletcher sucked in a long breath which turned into a choking fit.

Bloodshot eyes full of hatred met Ty’s gaze, but they’d lost their arrogance. Fletcher was now a man who knew he was fucked.

“You hard?” Ty asked.

“Wha—” Another hacking fit racked Fletcher. A string of saliva hung from his chin when he finally stopped coughing. “What?” His ruined voice made Ty smile.

“Are. You. Hard? You like this, right? This is what does it for you? Someone getting roughed up and choked out without their consent. This is the kinda thing that revs you up, right?”

“Maybe he’d like it better if he was naked,” Jinx said with a dark laugh.
