Page 75 of Ty

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“Liv!” Jo shook her head but struggled to hide her smirk.

“Anyway, that’s all I wanted to say. I better get back to cutting these potatoes.” She started to turn.

“Nooo,” Liv wailed. “You’re killing me.”

“Sorry,” Kelsie said, laughing. “I couldn’t resist.” She spun back. “I’m not going to give you details…”

Liv pouted.

“But I will say that lots of things happened between last night and this afternoon.”

The ear-splitting cheers from every woman had Kelsie’s eyes popping wide and her jaw dropping. Liv, of course, had the most over-the-top reaction.

“I knew it!” she screamed, jumping up and down. How she managed to keep her ankles from rolling would forever remain a mystery to Kelsie. Liv shrieked and threw her arms around Kelsie, squeezing the life out of her. “I’m so happy for you. And for me, because I love you and want you and Ty to be together forever so you can always be with me.”

“Get it, girl,” Jo shouted before whistling so loud Kelsie winced.

Harper wiped fake tears. “I’m so proud.”

“You guys need some serious help,” Kelsie said with a chuckle as she hugged Liv back.

The rest of them kept cheering, laughing, and sharing stories of how they got with their men, but Liv quieted. With her hands on Kelsie’s shoulders, she searched her face, which burned under the close-up inspection.

“How are you, for real?” Liv asked, her voice chock full of concern.

Kelsie understood exactly what she was being asked. A few days ago, humiliation would have had her hiding from the question, but today, she didn’t let it cut into her cheerful mood. These women cared for her and wanted her to be happy and have a healthy relationship with a man they considered family. “I’m great, Liv. Ty is… different from every other man. I trust him completely.”

Liv beamed. “I get it. He’s yours. And, for the record, I think you are just what that man needs in his life.”

She wasn’t sure about all that, but she’d been floating on cloud nine all afternoon, even with the impending disaster her family had in store for the club.

“HOLD THE FUCKING phone.” Jinx’s shocked outburst echoed the surprise and disbelief on Ty’s brothers’ faces. “VP, you trying to tell us that sweet-as-pie, strong-as-hell Kelsie is related to some of the most notorious shitbags in America?”

“That is what I’m saying.”

“Well, Christ, pretty sure you couldn’t have shocked me more if you told me lovebugs flew out your ass this morning.” Jinx shook his head as though trying to get the information to line up and make sense in his mind. Too bad it wouldn’t work. “What a mind fuck.”

“You said it. My head’s been spinning ever since she told me.” Except for when he was buried inside her. He couldn’t think of a damn thing besides how incredible it felt deep inside her tight pussy. And maybe when he’d get to do it again. Soon, if he had a say.

Spec’s face was a mask of serious concentration. Most likely, he was jumping three steps ahead, plotting how to rid the world of one very famous criminal and his douchebag of a son. Ty was about to add another prey to Spec’s list. “She has no relationship with them now?” Spec asked.

Ty shook his head. Why hadn’t he grabbed a drink before the meeting? Spilling Kelsie’s personal business without her around made him feel like trash, but she’d consented to him cluing in his brothers. “She left when she was a teenager. She’s been living off an inheritance in a shitty apartment ever since. She worked in a hair salon and spent her days worrying about her family knocking on her door. Once in a while, her brother, Lorenzo, who is a decade older, would call to remind her they know where she is and how to reach her, but they never tried to force her back home until now.”

Curly, ever the leader, leaned forward, bracing his elbows on the long table. “Okay, so we knew that the guy who showed up the other day was her brother, and you told us he’s basically using your business to blackmail Kelsie into returning home…”

“Don’t forget using Ty’s lovely ex-wife to throw in a little extra fuckery,” Jinx added.

“Right.” Curly nodded. “That too. But you haven’t told us why the fuck he wants her back so much. They aren’t close, so why now?”

This was the part that made him feel like he’d swallowed a gallon of sour milk and took a kick to the nuts at the same time.

“Did I hear something about her old man running for senate? Maybe it was governor… some political position,” Pulse piped in for the first time. “Am I making that up?”

“No, you’re not,” Ty said as he clenched his fists on the table. “Not only is he running for governor, but he has the chance to get the backing of Tinsley.”

“Remind me…” Jinx said, snapping his fingers as though that could conjure the man’s image.

“Speaker of the House,” Pulse said.
