Page 13 of Orc's Desire

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“So we talk to them?” Dilacs asks.

“Uh,” I say, forcing myself to break eye contact with Khiara’s soulful eyes. “What are we talking about?”

“There is a resistance,” Dilacs says.

“No,” Khiara interrupts. “There are rumors of a resistance to the Shaman.”

Dilacs shrugs and nods towards his brother indicating his agreement with the correction.

“You think they were the ones who attempted to kill him?” I ask.

The brothers look at each other and Dilacs shakes his head negative.

“We don’t think so,” Dilacs says.

“I hope not,” Khiara says.

“You do?” I ask.

“Yes,” he grumps. “If that was them then they will be next to useless.”

Dilacs laughs a sharp, barking sound. Okay, his laugh is less than great. But it doesn’t outweigh all the things I find attractive about him.

“True,” Dilacs says, reaching for the bottle.

“Do one of you know how to find out more?” I ask.

“We will,” Khiara says. “I have some ideas where to start.”

I chew on my lip debating if I should say what’s on my mind. It’s a dangerous thought. As well as I feel I’ve come to know these two this is a line I’ve never dared cross. Even when they’ve stood up to the Maulavi to keep them from inflicting pain or violence, that’s different than this.

Fuck it. What’s the worst that can happen?

“Are we… are you saying…” I’m so nervous my mouth is too dry to form words. My stomach churns and dances and my skin is itching. “The Shaman, are you, uhm, withdrawing?—”

“Support?” Dilacs asks softly.

“Uh, yeah, support. Yeah.”

He looks over to his brother, allowing him to take the lead.

“That is a good way to put it,” Khiara says. He leans forward so that he’s half over the table and the way he does it or the air about him pulls me and Dilacs in too. “Withdrawing of support. Yes. That is it exactly isn’t it.”

“I agree,” Dilacs says.

I smile, glad that I have contributed something.

“But what now? The riot, the Maulavi, all of it,” I ask.

“One of the other humans stays with Bhoja,” Dilacs says. “I know him. We worked together at a saravam when I was young.”

“Good,” Khiara nods. “City guard, right?”

“Yeah,” Dilacs agrees.

“I’ve done patrols with Mazabuta,” Khiara says. “I will try to feel him out.”

“And I will stay home, like a good woman, and clean the house.”
