Page 30 of Orc's Desire

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Khiara jerks upright, whirling to face his brother with a forcefulness that I fear will become violent. I take two steps towards the stairs before he speaks, ready to run and hide if this comes to blows.

“She. Lied. To. Us!” Khiara jabs a finger at me with each word as he bites off the syllables.

“About what?” Dilacs asks, taking a step back.

“Everything!” Khiara roars. “She was sent here. She is a spy.”

“Gweneth, what is he talking about?” Dilacs asks, looking at me but he stands in such a way as to keep his brother in his line of sight too.

“I…” the words won’t come.

My throat clenches shut and my mouth is too dry. Even my eyes are dry causing me to blink rapidly as I work my jaw trying to find moisture. I shake my head, raise my hands, then drop them to my sides. Dilacs stares with an imploring, disbelieving look on his face.

“Gwen?” he asks.

I hate the note of desperation in his voice. I hate it with all my heart.

“You have to understand,” I say, choking as I force the words. “It’s not like it seems.”

Dilacs heavy eyes blink in slow motion as disbelief gives way to betrayal on his face.

“No,” he whispers, shaking his head.

“Dilacs, Khiara, you have to?—”

“Have to?” Khiara asks, stepping around his brother. “I took you in. I’ve protected you. We have,” he motions between himself and his brother, “protected you from the Maulavi! You know what that’s cost us?”

“Guys, I know… I do, but I’m not… they think… it’s not… not all,” I stumble over words. Too many things to be said, too many things but none of them will make sense. Too much to say and no way to get it all out.

Dilacs stares and the look on his face cuts me deeper than anything I’ve ever felt. Tears push in, choking me. Dilacs sees the truth written all over my face. He looks down, shaking his head.

“Lies,” Khiara slurs. “It’s all lies.” He pushes his way past Dilacs, one accusing finger stabbing in my direction. “You. Lied.”

“Enough,” Dilacs says, softly, still staring at the ground.

I can’t look at Dilacs though, all I can see if Khiara’s large finger stabbing towards me. Stabbing me with the all knowing powers and insight of truths that are too hard to speak. I stumble back, unable to confront him. His rage, sure, but more the truth of his words.

“Liar.” Khiara stalks forward. “I can’t believe?—”

“Enough!” Dilacs roars, grabbing his brother by his shoulder and spinning him around to face him.

Khiara throws a fist but Dilacs is ready. He ducks under and comes up inside Khiara’s reach. Dilacs hooks his arm under Khiara’s and spins him away from me. He pushes his brother and he stumbles away and hits the wall.

“Heh,” Khiara scoffs, pushing off the wall. He wipes a trickle of blood from his nose, glaring at me. “Tell us the truth, human. Tell us now.”

I swallow hard, forcing the lump in my throat down. This is it. My cover is blown, by my choice or not, it’s over. Khiara knows something, whether it’s the truth or not, at this point I don’t see a choice but to tell them everything.

Butterflies dance in my stomach and tears try to break free, but I push all that down and nod.

“Okay,” I say. “But is there more to drink? I need one. Bad.”



Ican’t meet either of their eyes so I stare at the dark liquid in my glass. One sip, then two, and the warmth spreads over my limbs. It does little to quench my thirst or ease the dryness in my throat and mouth, but then alcohol was never good at that for me. And this stuff, I’m not sure if it’s alcohol or something they would use on the ship to strip gunked up gears. It’s rough stuff.

Staring at my glass I can see both of their hands where they rest on the table. The dark bottle sits in the middle, resting between the three of us like a welcome fourth. I close my eyes, bite my lip, then exhale heavily.
