Page 5 of Orc's Desire

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The way he stares at me with his hooded eyes makes my breath seize in my chest and my panties wet. His voice drips sex too. Deep, rich, and rumbly, fuck I want him.

“It’s, uhm, fine,” I say. “No big, right?”

Khiara frowns deeper as he stares at me.

“No big?” he asks.

“You know, it’s okay. Not a big deal.”

“Huh,” he grunts and Dilacs chuckles.

The instant Dilacs chuckles Khiara growls and his confused look switches to an angry glare at his brother. Crap, here we go again.

“It’s okay, I mean—” The floor vibrates and I stop talking midsentence. “Huh?”

Before I can say or do more the vibration becomes a full on quake. I’m thrown up into the air as things fall around the house. I slam back onto my chair, surely bruising my ass. I stand up to avoid that again, but I can barely remain upright. The table is bouncing, dislodging the dinner dishes that crash to the floor and shatter. The cabinet doors bang open and their contents fall.

“Ho!” Khiara exclaims as both he and his brother leap to their feet.

I stumble backwards and hit my head on the wall. Stars dance in my vision. Nothing makes sense. Trying to stay upright I push myself forward but the rumbling continues.

I lose my balance and then the table slams into me. The noise increases. I see Khiara speaking but I can’t understand his words.

Hitting the ground hard and gaining new bruises on my poor ass I continue bouncing up and down as things fall, crash, and bang. I cover my head to try and protect myself with my arms but something strikes hard and for a moment everything is black.

“Gwen!” I hear Dilacs roar.

I look between my elbows in time to see him launch himself across the room. He grabs me into his arms and cradles me against his chest. He’s so big I feel like a child’s doll, but I’m also so grateful.

“This way!” Khiara yells.

Dilacs follows Khiara towards the door. The brothers fight for every step, rocking side-to-side and back and forth as the quaking continues. Peeking out from beneath Dilacs’s protective hunch I see a crack form and race across the ceiling. It grows from the kitchen towards the stairs, dropping dust and pieces of stone.

Shit. This whole place may come down.

Khiara helps Dilacs out the door. The street is full of other Urr’ki. Screams fill the air, competing with the rumbling for which will be the loudest. Dust fills the air and being in an underground cavern, no matter how large, the sounds are echoing off all the stone walls and doubling over themselves.

People are hurt. I wriggle in Dilacs’s arms, pushing against him to try and get down. He shakes his head, mouthing the word no but I insist. Directly across from us is a mother with two children. The mother’s head is bleeding, the little ones are crying, and one of them also looks hurt. I am not going to let him hold me and do nothing.

“Now!” I yell, pushing against him.

No matter my desire to get down and help, I don’t miss the sensation of how he feels. How in the world is he so freaking muscular? His chest is like pressing against a granite statue. Rock freaking solid man chest under his shirt.

I run my hands over his naked chest while he…. Get it together. Now is not the time.

I push and wriggle and he seems to get my point at last because he puts me on my feet but immediately has to grab me as the floor literally rolls beneath us like a wave. I stumble and almost lose my balance but he is gripping my arms which keeps me upright. Still, I only have eyes for that mother and her children.

She is holding one hand to her head and blood is leaking from between her fingers. The children, they look like one boy and one girl, the boy being the older of the two are also terrified. The girl is holding a stick close to her chest. The boy is cradling one of his arms and doing his best to not cry.

I stumble across the street, bouncing off of people who are milling around, screaming, and trying to figure out what’s happening. Right as I reach the woman the rumbling stops. As fast as it came.

“Hello,” I say, ducking down and looking up into her hunched form. “I want to help. Let me see.”

I take ahold of her arm and try to pull her hand aside. The little boy kicks me in my shin, hard. I yelp as he screams something in his language that I don’t understand.

“I’m trying to help,” I say, dancing out of the way of his next kick.

The mother looks up, keeping the one hand pressed to her head, then shakes her head. Khiara and Dilacs come to stand behind me and they speak to the family. This brings a sense of calm to the scene that is very much needed and appreciated.
