Page 53 of Orc's Desire

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Tirska grimaces then turns and leads the way out into the hall. This is the first time I’ve actually been able to see anything since I woke up in the cell. The torch that he’s carrying lights only a small circle, pushing back the oppressive dark but not by much.

Doors line the wall and I assume each one of them is a cell. Are there others down here too? If so, why haven’t they spoken up? And if not, then why is Rani down here all alone? My head is still throbbing and it’s hard to think but the idea of her being all alone in this utter darkness makes me sick to my stomach.

Tirska silently leads the way. We go to the right from my cell. I try to count the steps, but I lose track too quick. We come to the door I’ve heard, and I recognize the sound of it opening. It’s a solid stone that swings open and we step through. Tirska closes it and then locks it behind us.

As he does that, I look around at what I can make out. This is a small room, seems like an antechamber almost. It’s devoid of any furniture or distinguishing features. Once the door is locked, he looks at me, nods, then moves across this room to another door.

He unlocks this one then steps through and waits for me to follow. We emerge into another hall with more doors. My stomach sinks. The pattern repeats three times. Then we step through a different door, one on the right which opens onto a stairway leading down.

Tirska locks the door behind us then leads the way down the stairs. We’ve been walking in an uneasy silence. I don’t know what to say and he doesn’t seem to have anything to say either. What do you say to your captor? The one who is delivering you to your doom? Nice to meet you? How’s the kids?

Ugh, no. I can’t let my thoughts dwell on the dark things. One step at a time. One action at a time.

I’m alive. As long as I’m alive, there is hope.

Dilacs and Khiara coalesce in my thoughts, as if they are even now coming to my rescue. At this moment they are, at the very least, saving me from the terrible, terrifying thoughts that threaten. And what do I know, maybe they are on their way here. Riding in to save me like white knights in those old Earth fairy tales.

Maybe. I hope. And there it is again. I’m alive and as long as I am, there’s hope.

“How much further?” I ask.

Between my pounding head and the burning in my calves and thighs I’m about ready to drop. No need to torture me, this is quite enough thank you.

“One more flight,” Tirska says, glancing over. He frowns deeply, his eyes narrowing, and his tusks quivering. “Do you need help? Perhaps I could…”

He trails off, obviously unclear how he can help but the offer is sweet, and I recognize it as such.

“I’ll make it,” I say, forcing a wan smile.

That’s right. Smile for the one escorting me to be tortured and killed. I’m so nice. Ugh.

It’s not his fault. That’s what she was saying. They’ve all lost any reason to go on. Despair has taken ahold of them.

He clears his throat and nods then we resume walking. By the time we reach the top of the stairs I’m out of breath. While he works the lock on this door, I lean against the wall panting and praying that the pain in my head will stop. The lock clicks and he stands there, not opening the door. Slowly he looks at me and his worried frown is back.

“Do as he ask,” he whispers. “Answer his questions. Be honest. He knows when you lie. Please.”

“I will try,” I offer.

He nods his head so slow it’s almost imperceptible until his chin touches his chest. He stares at the floor, takes a deep breath, then looks up.

“Tajss provides,” he whispers and opens the door.

The room on the other side is well lit. Torches mounted to the walls cast a fiery orange glow. A large chair is fastened to the floor in the middle of the room. The chair is draped with straps. There is a covered table a few feet to the right of the table. My heart sinks and my stomach clenches tight.

This is it. I hope it’s quick.

The room is occupied by two Maulavi. Their normally white robes are stained with splotches that I do not want to guess the nature of. Truthfully, I don’t want to know, but the idea is in my head.

The Maulavi are watching me with a malevolence that makes my skin crawl. One of them steps forward and then motions towards the chair. I don’t move. I couldn’t if I wanted to and I sure as hell do not want to. That chair is the absolute last place I want to be.

The other one makes a gesture with his head and Tirska moves to my side. He takes a hold of my arm, gently, and leans in close.

“Come along, please, it will be easier,” he whispers.

My tears push hard, my breath is coming fast, but I nod and force my foot to move. I can’t get it to lift, so I slide it. The chair comes closer. And closer.

Dilacs, Khiara, please… I need you.
