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His dad grunted. “Uh, yeah, not so well.”

Laughing, Jack nodded. “I bet?—”

“Hey! We’re here,” Ethan called from the front of the house.

A second later, Serenity entered the kitchen ahead of Ethan. “Hey Ralph and Sophie.” She reached their mom and offered a hug. “It’s so good to see you again.”

Their mom embraced her. “It’s good to see you too, sweetie. We’re so glad you’re here.”

“Thank you,” she said and looked at Ethan.

“Just ask.” He smiled.

Their mom’s eyebrows knitted together. “Ask what?”

She chewed her lip. “Well, Eternal Vows magazine sent one of their writers to interview me and follow me around while we’re getting ready for the wedding. I was hoping maybe she could join us for dinner.”

“Of course, there’s more than enough food.”

She gave a sigh and a smile. “Oh, thank you. I’d told my team I’d ask first.” Pulling her phone from her purse, she concentrated on the screen.

Ethan looked around the kitchen. “Put me to work.”

Their dad snorted. “If only he’d felt that way about mowing the lawn.”

There was a brief hum of laughter.

Their mom pointed toward the dining room. “You and Ethan go sit down, and the rest of us will bring dinner.”

Minutes later, dinner was on the table and just as Jack went to sit down, the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it.” He strode through the house, and his jaw dropped as soon as he opened the door. “Jo?” She was a complete and total knockout in a soft pink blouse, ankle-length pants, and sandals. He was pretty sure she’d taken a shower because her hair looked even softer than it had at lunchtime, and he was certain he smelled a hint of vanilla and cherry. His pulse ticked a little higher.

“Jack?” As soon as she said his name, she squeezed her eyes shut and smacked her forehead. “Of course, you live here.”

He laughed. “No, I don’t live here. I’m having dinner with my family. What are you doing here?”

A smile stretched on her lips, and his heart galloped. He thought she was beautiful before, but that smile was something a man looked forward to coming home to. The grin slipped, and confusion played on her face. “I’m supposed to be having dinner with Serenity Harper.” Jo pulled out her phone and looked at the screen. “I?—”

“You’re the writer?” Charlie had mentioned something about that when they were having lunch, but he hadn’t put the two together. Now that she was standing at his door, it was hitting him smack in the middle of the forehead, complete with a DUH!


A second later, Serenity joined Jack at the door. “Jo Stewart!”

“Um, yeah, that’s me.” She grinned. “And obviously, you’re Serenity.”

Her face lit up, and she gushed. “I’m so, so, so excited to meet you! Please call me Renny. All my friends do, and I just know we’re going to be friends.”

“Thank you for inviting me.” Jo looked from the actress to Jack as she stepped inside. “Are you two engaged?”

Jack and Serenity exchanged looks and then laughed. “No, I’m engaged to Jack’s brother, Ethan,” Serenity said.

“Oh,” she chuckled, “Okay.”

Serenity took her by the hand. “Come on in, and we’ll talk more while we’re having dinner.”

Jack followed as his future sister-in-law tugged Jo through the house to the dining room.
