Page 166 of Fire & Frenzy

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I forced a laugh even though I felt sick inside.

“But the night after,” she promised.

“Sounds good.”

I doubted she’d be talking to me when she found out the truth, but all I could do was hope for the best.

“Talk to you later,” she said.

“Enjoy your Danish.”

I hung up with her. An autumn breeze wafted toward me, bringing with it the scent of horses and manure.

The front door of Willa’s home opened and two teenagers stepped outside. “Willa,” the redhead called. “There’s a strange woman lurking outside our home.”

Willa appeared, wrapped her arm around the redhead and jostled her. “Why are you the way that you are?”

The redhead grinned. “You’re responsible for my behavior, therefore you should look in a mirror.”

“Don’t mind my sister,” Willa called to me. “She’s a heathen.”

I laughed as I walked toward the front steps. “I have four older brothers. I get it. You must be Waverly.”

“Guilty,” she said.

“And this non-heathen is Sailor,” Willa introduced.

The blonde smiled. “Nice to meet you.”

Willa released Waverly.

“We’ll be back for dinner,” Waverly said.

“Dylan too?”

“Dylan too.” Waverly looked at me. “It was nice meeting you.”

“You too,” I said.

The teenagers climbed into an old green pickup truck and reversed out of the driveway and disappeared down the street.

“Come on in,” Willa said.

“Thanks.” I stepped into the foyer. I glanced at Willa’s bare feet and red toenails. “Want me to take off my shoes?”

“If you want,” she said.

I kicked off my shoes and followed her through the hallway to the kitchen. “Your sister is a pistol.”

“That she is. But I’d take pistol any day over the alternative. She knows her own mind, and at fifteen that doesn’t seem to be the norm.”

“Wow, she’s fifteen?” I shook my head. “And her friend? Sailor?”

“Sailor’s sixteen. She lives with us, too. Drink?”

“Oh, water’s fine. Thanks. So your fifteen-year-old sister lives with you and Duke, and so does Sailor?”

“Yep.” Willa grinned. “And Savage has a room here too.”
