Page 250 of Fire & Frenzy

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Logan hopped up. “I’m gonna see if Willa needs help inside.” She looked at me with raised brows.

“I’m good, I swear.”

“Even if you weren’t, you wouldn’t tell me,” she accused.


She dragged a finger across my jaw and then she turned and walked away.

“Tav!” I called. “Come here a second.”

Tavy tossed the beanbags to Waverly and then bounded over to me. “What’s up?”

I pitched my voice low and said, “It came in. Roman signed for it.”

Her eyes lit up with excitement. “Really?”

“Yep. Bones is on his way over. I’ll need your help distracting Logan so I can get out of here.”

“You can count on me, Captain.” She saluted.

* * *

Two hours later, Bones pulled into Willa and Duke’s driveway. Logan stood on the sidewalk, barefoot, her arms crossed over her chest and a glare across her gorgeous face.

“Your woman is pissed,” Bones said with a laugh.

“She won’t be in about ten minutes.” I unlatched my seatbelt, hating that I had to ride bitch. “Thanks for your help today, brother.”

“Anytime. We’ll have to celebrate when you’re up to it.”

I got out of the car, holding in a wince of pain. I walked up the driveway and headed toward Logan who hadn’t lost her scowl.

“You’re beautiful when you glower,” I said in greeting.

“Don’t try to flatter me,” she snapped. “I can’t believe you left without telling me where you were going! And you didn’t answer your phone! I was worried sick about you.”

“You weren’t supposed to notice I was gone,” I drawled. “Tavy was supposed to distract you.”

Her gaze narrowed. “I know. She enlisted the aid of Sailor and Waverly and they first gave me a pedicure, then a face mask, and then we all talked about Dylan and Waverly’s relationship. By the time I’d realized what was going on, I figured you’d given me the slip.”

“I had to run an errand,” I said. “Can we sit?”

Her glare melted. “Yeah. Let’s sit.”

We sat down on the front porch and I casually rested my left hand on her thigh.

She looked down. “What is that?”

“What’s it look like?” I asked, trying to keep the smile out of my tone.

“It looks like you got a tattoo of a cupcake entwined with a vine on your ring finger…and the vine seems really familiar, but I don’t know why.”

I lifted her chin so her gaze met mine. “Reach into my inner cut pocket.”

She did as I said and pulled out a black velvet jewelry box. She stared at it for a moment and then opened it.

Her breath caught in her throat. “Smoke,” she whispered. “How’d you know?”
