Page 17 of Loyalty

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I hated lying, especially to the Vexling who’d been nothing but nice to me, so I told her a half-truth. “I’m headed to the Stacks. I need to do some research.”

Her confused expression fell away, replaced by merely a curious one. “What are you researching?”

I remembered what I should have been researching. “I’m helping Ariana search for potential sites where the Kronock could be holding her sister. The Stacks have records of all the Kronock outposts and colonies, and which ones have been abandoned. I’m trying to narrow the field of possibilities.”

Reina pressed her bony fingers to her chest. “Aren’t you the sweetest thing?”

I was reminded that Reina had spent a lot of time with human women as a tribute bride liaison on one of the Drexian space stations, so I wasn’t completely caught off-guard by the fact that she sounded like she’d stepped off a wraparound porch in Savannah with a glass of sweet tea.

“I’m happy to help. So is Morgan. She’s working with me.”

Reina glanced around, as if I’d hidden Morgan somewhere nearby.

“Not tonight. Tonight, she’s busy.”

Reina nodded, and I knew I needed to stop while I was ahead. If I keep blabbering, I’d talk myself right into a corner.

“Then I hope your research goes well. I’m on my way to the kitchens to get Noora her evening tea.”

I wasn’t a tea drinker, but I wouldn’t have minded a soda. Not that Drexians drank soda, or much of anything with sugar, one of the great failings of their society.

“Thanks. Tell Noora I said hello.” I wasn’t sure why I said that. I was pretty sure the Academy Master’s wife had no clue who I was.

Reina gave me a final wave and hurried off in the opposite direction. I drew in a breath to steady myself and then continued, poking my head around the next corner before slipping around it. I’d almost reached the main hall when I heard heavy footsteps pounding toward me.

I ducked behind a pillar and held my breath in the shadows as the footsteps grew louder. The academy’s security chief, who’d been proven not to be involved in the sabotage of the maze, strode by me without looking left or right. His silver hair glinted in the faint light, and his profile was sharp and stern.

Once he’d passed me, and the slapping of his boots had faded, I shuddered and took a breath. The Drexian might not have been guilty of anything, but he still terrified me. I craned my neck to see if there was anyone coming and started to emerge from the shadows, but I was jerked back into the darkness. A hand snaked around my waist and another clamped over my mouth, as I was tugged flush against something warm and hard.

Then breath tickled my neck and sent a shiver sliding down my spine.




Iheld my hand flat against her stomach, fighting the urge to move it higher as I lowered my mouth to her ear. For a moment, I considered kissing the soft skin on her neck, but I thought better of it. “Don’t make a sound.”

My words had the opposite effect on her. Jess started squirming and making sounds against my palm, finally jabbing one elbow hard into my hip. When I loosened my grip and she whirled on me, she reminded me of a spitting zerren. “What the hell are you doing grabbing me like that?” Her words even held the same low growl as the striped felines made before attacking.

“I was trying to keep you from making a scene.” I rubbed my side, which was unfortunately the same place I’d taken most of my hits in sparring earlier. “So much for that.”

She put her hands on her hips and tapped her toe on the floor in rapid-fire. “You thought groping me would be the best way to keep me from making a scene?”

“I did not grope you.” I had wanted to—grek had I wanted to—but I hadn’t.

“You touched me.” Her eyes were narrowed at me, and I was surprised fire wasn’t shooting from them.

I remembered the full contact grappling session that had left me bruised and breathless. “This is the Drexian Academy. If you cannot handle being touched, you are in the wrong place.”

She huffed out a breath, glancing furtively left and right. “I agreed to tutor you in Kronock in exchange for you keeping quiet about what you know. I did not agree to being manhandled, so if you don’t think you can keep your—”

“I promise I will not grab you again.” I held up my hands in surrender.

She studied my face, as if searching for signs of deception. “Fine.” She jerked her head to one side. “The Stacks are this way.”

I shook my head. “We are not going to the Stacks.
