Page 111 of Every Breath After

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“Oh yeah. A whole week.”

“The horror.”

“Yup, Mason too?—”

Her phone lights up again with his stupid, perfect face gracing the screen. Even when he’s got his lips pushed out like a duck, and his eyes crossed, he somehow manages to look good. If I took a picture of myself like that, I’d look ridiculous.

“It’s okay,” I murmur, glancing away.

Shaking her head, she sits up, flips open the phone, and hits Answer, bringing it to her ear. “Hey, I’m?—”

She frowns and whips her head toward me. “He’s right here,” she says, narrowing her eyes.

I grimace, and slink down the headboard, shoulders bunching around my ears. Busted.

“Yeah. Yeah, he’s fine, Mason.” She rolls her eyes and makes a talking gesture with her hand, mouthing blah blah blah, and I have to stifle a laugh. “I see. Yep.” She rears back, face bunching with confusion. “Sure…yeah, I’ll let him know.”

My heart rate kicks up.

“Love you too, bye.”

She lowers the phone, flipping it shut. Turning toward me, she arches a brow. “You could’ve told me it was Mason harassing you.”

I shrug.

“He just wanted to make sure you were okay. Said you weren’t answering.”

“Don’t feel like talking.”

She sighs, shaking her head. “He loves you, you know.”

Everything in me stills.

Is…is that what he told her to tell me?

My pulse races so fast, it makes me lightheaded, even laying down.

“You’re like a brother to him,” she goes on, not missing a beat. “He was worried about you. You know how he gets.”

Annnndddd cue images of Wile E. Coyote plummeting to the ground.

Only, instead, it’s my heart.

“Yeah…” I murmur, my voice faint.

“He told me to tell you to not talk in class?” She says it like a question.

My brows knit. “What?”

“I have no idea. That’s just what he wanted me to pass along.” Izzy slithers down, and rolls onto her stomach. “Come on. Lay with me. I’m tired.”

“What about dinner?”

She shrugs. “Not hungry. Tired.”


Sliding down, I stretch out on my back, just as she throws an arm over my middle, and buries her face in my shoulder, my arm pinned between us.
