Page 359 of Every Breath After

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Going from pencil and paper to digital was tricky at first. I’d taken a couple Digital Art courses over the years—both formally, and online—but it still took a bit to get the hang of the interface, and get my brain accustomed to how easy it is to undo mistakes.

Drawing has never felt so clean, and while I appreciate the hell out of it now, that momentary loss of…control, or whatever you want to call it…took some getting used to.

Like always when I get momentum going, time loses all meaning.

Songs play on by, as minutes give way to hours.

I’m vaguely aware of the sky darkening outside, shadows dancing over my room, my skin.

When I look up, the window is streaked with rain.

I reach over and flip on my desk lamp.

Twisting my hand around, I flex my fingers, bringing life back to them. Then I crack my neck, and wiggle around, not having realized how stiff I got from being hunched over for so long.

I’m just about to finish shading, and call it a day, when the music cuts out abruptly.

Frowning, I glance over to where it rests face down on the desk, and scoop it up.


He’s calling.

I suck in a breath.

That’s a good sign, right?

Habit has me staring at the screen as it rings and rings. I hate talking on the phone. He knows this. Yet he continues to do it, because he knows once in a while I actually will answer, rather than just text him and tell him I can’t talk. Or wait for him to call a second or third time.

That isn’t what happens this time.

Shoving down my headphones so they hang around my neck, I hit Answer and bring the phone to my ear.


A rustling noise greets me.

I frown, and say, “Mason?”

Did he butt dial?

More rustling, and a sort of…whooshing sound, telling me he’s outside.


“That’s not fair.”

I blink. “What?”

“What you said. Not fair.”

My heart pounds, and my lips fumble as I struggle for words.

“Wrong…so fucking wrong…”

My eyes widen as he continues to mumble things about being wrong and not fair and lies and curses…and none of it is making sense.

I look around, wide-eyed. “Mason, where are you?”
