Page 38 of Every Breath After

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I’d made it all the way up until lunch, hoping maybe I’d see him then, when everything went to crap.

“Aw, you cut your hair.”

“Did you think that would help? You’re still a girl…”

“Where’s your little boyfriend?… Aw, did he not like you back?”

“Ha! I knew you were a little freak. Just wait till I tell?—”

I squeeze my eyes shut, and drop the sandwich I was eating on the plate, but behind my closed eyes, all I see is Clay.

Hands come up to my shoulders, and shove me.

Not expecting it, I stumble back, and fall on my butt with a cry.

My chest hurts, and I can’t breathe. I grab my throat, and look up, shaking as Clay steps closer. He looks bigger than he ever has. We’re the same age, but he’s so much taller and wider than me.

I dig my nails at the skin around my neck, twist my hands in my shirt collar, and pull.

Why can’t I breathe?

There’s a roar in my ears, and I close my eyes.

“What’s going on in here?” a deep voice booms into the cafeteria.

I gasp, air rushing down my throat. I open my eyes to find Mr. Carter there, glaring at Clay. He points toward the hall, and says something, but I don’t hear it.

My throat feels all numb then wet, and before I can get to a trash can, I throw up all over the floor next to me.

Someone laughs, followed by more angry yelling.

I hate this…

“JJ? Bubs, are you—”

A door bangs into the wall, cutting Mommy off. My eyes fly open, and it’s suddenly all loud and crazy as Izzy skips into the kitchen with Waylon right behind her.

Mommy lowers the music, and is trying to keep up with Izzy’s rambling.

And then?—


Pale blue eyes look around the kitchen from where he lingers in the doorway. When they fall on me sitting at the table, he freezes. And I gulp.

I’ve never seen such light blue eyes before. They seem even lighter than last time I saw them. I thought only kids with blond hair could have eyes that light.

He frowns at first, his brows pulling together. And a lump fills my throat.

Did he forget me?

But then a grin lights up his face, and it’s like magic, because Clay’s mean voice in my head from moments ago is gone—poof!—and I feel a smile of my own tugging at my mouth.

“Mom, this is Mason. He’s from New York, but not the city. He’s from Buffalo. And…” My sister rambles on and on, her voice fading to the background.

Mason gives me a hesitant little wave, and I wave back.

“Oh! This is my brother I was telling you about. We’re twins,” Izzy says, rushing over to me. “His name’s Jeremy, but everyone calls him JJ for short.”
