Page 427 of Every Breath After

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“What goes up, must come down….as above, so below…”

Oh. Right.

He tilts his head, the lights from the hospital slanting lines over his face, making his skin look almost translucent. “Maybe there is something bigger at play here. A purpose to all of this.” He gestures widely at our surroundings. “A great design we’re not privy to.”

“Fate,” I murmur.

His lips purse. Then— “Maybe the universe isn’t punishing you. Maybe it’s just trying to tell you something.”

My lips tug down. “I don’t like that theory. That would mean…Izzy…Waylon…”

He shakes his head. “Don’t think about it like that.”

“How can I not?”

His lips thin, and he tips his head back, sparing the black sky one last look. “Perhaps the answers you seek aren’t in the stars…but in the space between them.”

And with that, he turns, and quickly walks, heading back inside.

Leaving me to my desert places…


Mase Face

Merry Christmas, J.

Merry Christmas

Mase Face

Way got discharged.

Yeah, Will just texted me. That’s a relief I’m sure. Have you seen him yet?

Briefly this morning. He was bitching about the food and blankets. Prob why doc released him LOL

sounds like Way

Mase Face

whatever happened to that benefit?

my parents decided to do it next year instead

shit because of me?

no…because of me

and there I go thinking the world revolves around me again

to be fair, it kind of all ties together anyway


Mase Face

Did Ivy send you the video?
