Page 93 of Every Breath After

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But instead of saying that, I just bit my lip hard enough to taste iron.

“Mason’s mad at me too,” she’d said, and I wanted to hit her.

Of course he was mad. She made him kiss a boy. Not just a boy, but his best friend. His girlfriend’s brother.

Everything’s ruined now, thanks to her.

Nothing was ever gonna be the same again.

“I’m so sorry.”

Again and again and again, she’d say this for days, giving me that big pout of hers anytime we made eye contact when we ran into each other. Until on day three, I finally caved, because staying mad at Izzy for any longer is next to impossible.

How could I, when we live under the same roof?

How could I, when I know how sorry she really is?

My twin superpowers are weak, but they’re there. And her sadness—her guilt—has gotten so loud, it can no longer be ignored, not even by me.

The big ice cream sundae she made for me might’ve helped too.

I don’t see or talk to Mason for a whole week.

When I do finally see him, he’s grinning and waving the newest volume of Ultimate X-Men in my face—the one we’d been waiting all summer for.

We never talk about the kiss.

Things go back to exactly the way they were, as if it never happened.

And I realize I was wrong—nothing was ruined.

On the surface, everything is as it should be.

I should be relieved.

I should be grateful.

I should be thanking my lucky stars.

And yet…

Why am I so sad?



There’s a melody stuck in my head. It’s been in my head for weeks now.

I don’t know what song it belongs to.

And it’s bugging me.

Earlier today, after school, I tried finding the keys on the piano to recreate it. It took a while, but I finally got some semblance of it. I showed it to Izzy, and she just shook her head. Said she didn’t recognize it.

“It’s sad. Pretty though. If you find it let me know.”

Now, in my room, I dig out my journal, the one Gavin gave me years ago, back when I was a kid and still needed to write down every single song I’d hear on the radio that I didn’t know, wherever I was, so I could give it to Mom to put on a CD for me. Or upload it to my MP3. Or both.
