Page 50 of Outshone

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When the doors opened, we found Rhys and Fox inside.

“Hello,” Fox greeted.

“Finished with your day of work?” Rhys asked.

Caleb nodded. “You guys, too?”

They both nodded.

“How are things going with your new positions?” Fox asked. “Any new hybrids show up?”

“We had a mother and daughter show up yesterday,” Triston answered. “Daughter is about five and is a hawk shifter like Kieran, though a different kind of hawk. We introduced them and she immediately shifted and flew with him. Apparently, she’s been dying to find another flying shifter that wasn’t a dragon.”

“It’s so interesting the different animals you all can turn into,” Rhys commented.

“I mean, elves shift into multiple types of animals,” I pointed out. “So, it’s not that unique.”

“We don’t usually shift into large animals like bears, though,” Fox said.

“Which is also interesting to think about,” I said. “Why do you shift into small-ish creatures only when we have shifters in multiple sizes?”

“I would love to do some lineage tracking on those with unique animal forms to see if it has to do with elven blood or not,” Fox said.

“I’m definitely interested in that as well,” Triston said with a nod. “It would be good to know more about ourselves, since so little is currently known.”

We stepped out of the elevator to the underground parking garage, heading to our cars.

Nico teleported in front of us, grabbed Caleb and I by the arms, and said, “I’ll teleport them to your house when we’re done. You three go to your pack lands and wait there.”

Triston, Branson, and Riddick nodded their understanding.

He teleported us out of the parking garage and into a sunny area, making me cover my eyes a moment before they adjusted.

“We received a report of a fight and I came to intervene, but I arrived too late,” Nico said softly.

Opening my eyes, I gasped at the destruction surrounding us. We were in a suburban housing area and at least a dozen houses were destroyed, some still on fire.

“Did you catch the culprits?” Caleb asked.

Nico nodded, and we headed towards a small group of people, huddled in a loose semi-circle. The sound of a young child crying could be heard, but I couldn’t see them.

“We did, but it wasn’t in time to save one of yours.”

“Ours?” Caleb asked.

“A hybrid was killed?” I asked, feeling anger brewing.

“Yes, but that’s not the worst part,” Nico whispered.

The people noticed us coming and broke apart, revealing a little girl hunched in on herself, crying so hard she was hiccupping, a blanket draped around her tiny shoulders. A smattering of blood over the side of her face that I could see.

Immediately, I ran forward, sliding on my knees on the blacktop, not caring about the way it tore into my jeans. “Sweetheart, are you injured?” I asked her, pushing back her hair so I could look at her face fully.

She looked up at me, tears streaming down her face, and after staring at me for a second, she threw her tiny arms around my neck. Her cries increased in volume as she clung to me. She was a hybrid; I could feel the pull to her.

Sliding my arms beneath her legs, I picked her up, and stood, turning to face Caleb. “Don’t worry, little one, we’ve got you.” She was injured, but her emotional needs seemed most important at the moment.

“I’m sorry,” Nico whispered. “I wish I could have saved your father.”
