Page 70 of Outshone

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“Everyone alright?” Dan asked.

“Yes, none of us are hurt,” Adelaide replied. “Good work, Caleb and Nico.”

Caleb looked down at Lily’s tear-filled eyes, spun around, and started glowing red. After looking closer, I realized that no, he wasn’t actually glowing, I could just see his anger as an aura. “It came from there,” Caleb said and pointed outside of the arena.

“I see them,” Emrys growled and released wings from his back.

Caleb released his dragon’s wings, turned to us and said, “Bran and Tris, stay here and protect the queen and princess. Riddick, with me.” Riddick stepped up and the two took off, Riddick being carried by Caleb under the armpits.

I took my seat and put her on my lap again. “Whew! That was scary. Good thing Papa protected us.”

She trembled a little, but I blew out a breath to spread some calmness, and she stopped shaking.

Jolie rushed over and sat in Caleb’s vacant chair, smiling at Lily. “That’s why people shouldn’t play with fire!”

Lily laughed. “Fire, not for playing.”

Adelaide sat in Emrys’ seat, scales along her temples and neck. “Lily, do you want some water?”

Lily took the offered water bottle and drank from it, looking at the people in the stands who had returned to their seats once they realized there wasn’t more danger.

Caleb roared from where he was fighting with whoever had sent the fiery ball at us and the sound echoed through my entire body.

Lily tensed a moment, shook her head, and exhaled loudly. “He mad.”

“Yes, he is mad,” I agreed, and pet her hair again. “He doesn’t like that you could have been hurt.”

An unfamiliar man teleported in front of us and within a breath, I had a shield around Jolie, Adelaide, Lily, and I. He hit the barrier with his fist and tried to use a spell against it.

Adelaide shifted into her dragon warrior form and growled loudly.

Jolie shifted into a combination warrior form, stepping in front of Lily and I.

Branson and Triston ran forward at the same time that Ezio and Dan did, the four of them apprehending the mage quickly, binding him with strange cuffs Ezio had brought.

It all happened within seconds, but felt like minutes to me.

“Good job,” Adelaide praised me. “That was an incredibly quick barrier.”

“It’s almost automatic now,” I said, chuckling shakily. There was … something still wrong.

“You can let it down,” Adelaide informed me.

I shook my head. “I can still feel … malice. It’s close.”

Her brows furrowed and she started looking around. “Rhys!” she shouted and pointed into the stands.

I hadn’t even seen the princes, but immediately, Rhys and Deryn jumped off the terrace. Rhys flew through the air while Deryn shifted into warrior wolf form and ran towards a man holding a strange object in his hands.

“Normally, I would blame Jolie for this incident,” Adelaide said, her eyes fixed on her son fighting against the man. “However, I think this time I get to blame you.”

“There’s no blame to be given,” Jolie said, her voice deeper as she used her mates’ powers. “Just against those people attacking us.”

“Are we safe?” Lily asked, clutching me as I held her in my arms.

I nodded, but didn’t take my eyes off those around us. “Yes. Your nanas here are very strong and all the others around us will keep us safe. See, Bran is coming back with Tris to keep you safe.”

“This is outrageous,” Amos snapped as he stormed back towards us. He looked at me. “What is it about the women the princes choose? Why are you all so fraught with danger and –”
