Page 73 of Outshone

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“He okay?” she asked softly and her hands trembled slightly on my shoulder.

“Yes, he’s okay,” Kara said and smiled at me. “Great job, Ember. You’ve really improved this past year.”

“I couldn’t have done it without you all,” I said and looked at everyone. Then, I bowed my head. “Thank you for helping me save my mate.”

“She’s bowing to lower ranks?” someone asked.

“You don’t have to thank us,” the man I’d first called over said. “You saved all of us from the bomb. It’s all of us who should be thanking you.”

Caleb helped me to my feet and I stared in disbelief as the entire stadium dropped to their knees and bowed to me.

“Thank you for saving us, Queen Ember!” they shouted in unison.



After intense interrogation, it was determined that the people behind the attack had been former members of the H.E., and this had been their last-ditch effort to kill as many of us and our supporters as they could.

Nico had teleported to my previous home with Dan to capture the man, but they had confirmed the bomb had been one he couldn’t release, so he had died when the bomb went off. The place I’d teleported him to had a new crater, but no one else had been injured as it was a secluded part of my lands.

Triston had woken up a few hours after the healing, starving, but otherwise fully healed.

Video of the event had spread like wildfire across the news outlets and social media. I was being hailed as a humble hero as images of me bowing to those who helped combined with an image of the people in the stands bowing to me were shared. The hybrids were finally being recognized as a positive instead of a negative.

After resting for a day, we got to go explore the nearby town and see the sights. Lily was just as excited as I was, and poor Ezio had to run all over to show her things he wanted to see. He kept her on his shoulders as he ran up to things she was too short to see on her own. The joyous smile on his face as she squealed or giggled in delight had me smiling even wider.

I bought a few souvenirs for myself and also ordered a chocolate sampler box to be sent to our house so we could share it with the clan when we returned.

Taking a deep breath, I exhaled loudly. “It smells so clean here.”

“It’s thanks to the ocean nearby,” Riddick answered.

“I wouldn’t mind an ocean property,” I commented.

“We own one,” Caleb said.

Looking over my shoulder at him as I stopped at a cute little bookshop, I asked, “What?”

“We own an island, remember?” he said with a chuckle.

“Oh, right! I forgot about that island.”

“It needs a house built on it as it’s currently just wildlife and wilderness,” he explained. “There are a lot of natural resources and animals there that you can’t find elsewhere.”

“Wait, animals you can’t find elsewhere?” I asked and looked up at him. “Are you thinking there are hybrids there?”

He nodded. “That’s part of why Papa Dan gave it to us.”

My mouth dropped. “Why haven’t we gone there yet?”

“We’ve been a little busy,” Triston reminded me and squeezed our joined hands.

Since his attack the day of the tournament, I’d been a little clingier than usual, but no one commented or seemed to mind. They likely understood my need to reassure myself that he was alive and well.

“We’ll plan a trip soon,” Caleb promised.

Perusing the books on the shelf, I grabbed a few children’s books for Lily and a couple ones that looked interesting to me.
