Page 96 of Outshone

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Paul and Mercy sat across from Caleb and I.

“You can return with us and live in our clan’s territory,” Caleb said. “Or, you can stay here since this is also part of our territory. The decision is completely up to you.”

“The mages are gone?” Mercy asked.

We both nodded.

“They called you, ‘daughter,’” Mercy whispered.

“They were my adoptive parents, but they abandoned me when I was young, sending me to a boarding school, and then they gave me a house in the woods, never talking to me. It wasn’t until recently that I learned they were in charge of the Hybrid Eradication organization. We’d thought we killed them, but apparently it was their clones. Now, they won’t be able to hurt us ever again.”

“We don’t know much about the outside world,” Paul said. “I’m not sure we would do well there.”

“You could come live on our clan lands, learn from the others of our clan, and slowly acclimate yourselves,” I suggested. “We could talk to the Werewolf King about your kids going with Lily to the werewolf school, too.”

Paul and Mercy looked at each other and frowned.

“You don’t have to decide right now,” Caleb advised. “We wanted to give you the option so you can discuss amongst yourselves and decide. Also, are we still able to stay the night?” He looked up at the darkening sky.

“Of course,” Paul said immediately. “We’re going to help with food. Please excuse us.”

“Thank you,” Caleb said.

Lily ran over to us and asked, “Can we stay the night?”

“Yes,” Caleb nodded.

She gasped, spun, and shouted, “They said yes!”

The kids all cheered and she ran back to play with them.

“She seems okay,” I whispered, “but I’m still worried.”

“Same,” he whispered.

“A curse to alter your personality,” I whispered. “It sounds more like a siren’s ability than a mage’s.”

“I was thinking that, too,” Caleb said and leaned his elbows on his knees then set his chin in his hands. “Perhaps we should speak to Auntie Leona.”


“Although I am worried about Lily, I am really glad that it didn’t hit you,” he said and turned to look at me. “I’m not quite sure what I would have done if you went on a rampage. I’m not sure I could stop you.”

Smiling, I asked, “Are you flirting with me, sir? Because that type of compliment really goes to a girl’s head.”

He brushed a kiss across my temple. “Speaking the truth. You are extremely powerful. Not just from your own power, but from being able to harness our powers as well. Plus, there are limits to how much you can do when you don’t want to kill someone.”

Riddick pulled me against his side and asked, “Can you stop getting into trouble when I’m not with you?”

Chuckling, I snuggled into him closer and kissed his cheek. “I’ll try.”

“I understand now why Rhys and Jolie’s other mates were always stressed when not with her,” he whispered. “The thought that your mate could be in trouble and you’re too far away to help is terrifying.”

“Let’s hope we’ve had enough terrifying for the rest of our lifetime,” I said and yawned.

“Come on, let’s get you to bed,” Triston said and held a hand out for me to take.

Caleb stood. “Yes, it is getting late.” He looked over at Lily sleeping on a blanket next to the bonfire with the other children. Her hair was no longer glowing, but seemed like it was going to remain purple and cyan. “I think we can leave our little savior here with her friends for the night.”
