Page 29 of Jabarri

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“Wow,” I say, not at all impressed.

“Seriously, for as long as I have desired you, I am sure they’ll be fine. It might be an adjustment period, but things will be fine,”

“Ok, but can we enjoy this just between us for a little while longer?”

“Of course, Nöku Ahi. But I just want to warn you Jaasiel knows,” he says as they place our bags in the trunk and we slide in the back seat.

“You told him?” I say practically hysterically.

“No, I didn’t have to. My brothers aren’t dumb, and as the baby, they’ve been looking out for me my entire life,” he reminds me, and I fully understand since Saint and Shepp treat me the exact same way.

“He won’t say anything,”

“I know. For now, at least because you know just like I do, no one wants to have to answer to Josh over another secret,”

“True. I swear if he learns about another secret one of us has, his head is going to explode,”

“Facts!” I agree, laughing with Jabarri.

“Alight, we’ll tell them soon,”

“Thanks, baby,” he says, taking my hand as the driver navigates the road to take us back to the airport. I watch the unreal scenery out of the window, thinking, Hawaii was amazing and I can’t wait to come back. This island is not one of the popular ones, so it was not filled with tourists, and as an introvert, it was perfect.

It’s been several weeks since we have been back from Hawaii and Jabarri has been on a strong campaign to tell everyone about us being together and engaged. We were going to tell everyone at the family dinner, but all hell broke loose when Brooklyn came heavily pregnant with Uncle Aryan’s baby, and he knew she was pregnant. I swear, I think all the brothers were going to take turns beating his ass. And just when we thought things couldn’t get worse, his sister-in-law shows up! I thought Brooklyn was going to go into labor. She was so understandably upset. Then, after a quick private conversation with Brook, he came back and explained who this woman was and a past he kept from everyone, and I think all of our hearts broke from the story he told. I remember looking across the table at Jabarri when DJ realized there was yet another secret between the brothers. I had to fight back the smile that was trying to break free, remembering the conversation Barbie and I had in Hawaii.

“You’re not focusing, Skai,” Jabarri barks at me and he is right since I have a gun in my face.

“Jabarri, I am already proficient with a gun. I do not need all this extra training,”

“You know how to use a gun on your own, but you need to practice shooting with a partner,”

“Why?” I ask, pouting. He has been on this training kick, and I do not understand why.

“Because Aryan’s late wife’s sister has potentially brought trouble to our doorstep, and I want you ready to face anything that may happen,”

“Fine,” I acquiesce because he has a good point. We don’t know if this man is going to act a fool, and if he does, we all need to be ready.

“You need to be able to feel your partner’s moves, anticipate his or her next move, have their back,”

“Okay,” I say. Even though I am tired and just want to go lie down, I push through. We are back-to-back, but when I begin to focus, I feel his body, and I begin to anticipate his next moves. When he moves right, I move, I feel his weight shift, and I move backward with him. I feel his foot shift, and I move left with him. He spins, and I stay with him, my back never losing contact with his. When he begins moving across the floor, I move with him, “left,” he commands, and I turn without a second thought, shooting the target’s center mass. “Right,” I move again. At one point, I spin in front of him, my back to his chest, and turn so we are chest to chest as I take out the targets behind him. By the time we are done, my arms are aching from all the shooting we’ve done, but if something goes down, I will not be the weakest link.

“You are getting too good, baby, but a word of advice. Always take the head shot. They can wear something to protect their chest but not their head.”

“Okay,” I say because that makes sense, especially with Kevlar. There are so many different options other than the basic bulletproof vest, but a head shot is a guaranteed kill.

“Once we get this baby shower over with, I think we should finally tell our family about us,”

“Okay,” I finally give in because it’s time. Honestly, it’s been time, if Aryan and Brooklyn hadn’t dropped bombs the night of the family dinner they would have already known.

“That was too easy. I was expecting a real fight.”

“Naw, it’s time, and besides, I’m ready to begin planning our wedding.”

“You are going to be a stunning bride. I can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle to me.”

“Me too. And I can’t wait to do all the wedding things with my mom.”

“Yeah, Savvy is going to go all out for her only daughter.”
