Page 52 of Impossible Crusade

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“You’re all right?” He was anxious. What if being pinned like that had brought back memories of Jorge?

“Yes. It was uncomfortable, but Jagger was very nice about it.”

He pressed a kiss to her forehead, thinking that Jagger wasn’t nice at all. Soon Aiden would get to battle with Captain Lemuel and release a whole lot of frustration.

Mercedes rushed up to them, her blue eyes frantic, of course shadowed by the ever-present Shawn. “Chalisa. If you want to just forfeit the joust and sparring match with Hays, you can. I don’t want you pinned down like that again.”

Thank heavens. Aiden wanted her to agree, but he let her decide.

“I’ll forfeit the sparring,” she said, “but I think I can do all right in the joust. I have more experience on a horse than Hays does.”

Aiden respected her decision, but he worried.

“All right. Good luck.” Mercedes let Shawn turn her back to the stands.

He and West had a good sword fight, seven to three in Aiden’s favor.

Finally, it was time for a late lunch. Prince Bodi announced the points totals before the crowd dispersed. The teams were tied at thirty.

“I’m not contributing at all,” Chalisa said after they used the restroom and washed up.

Aiden directed her toward the castle where they were to have lunch, smiling and nodding to well-wishers who passed them.

“You’re doing great,” he told her. “These men are highly trained Navy SEALs. Just because I’m able to easily best them doesn’t mean they aren’t elite warriors and athletes.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you have an over-inflated ego?” she asked, blinking prettily up at him. He would never forget her blue eyes.

“No. They’re too busy telling me how astonishingly perfect I am.”

“I agree.”

They stopped in the middle of the cobblestone street, he lowered his head and she arched up to him. The kiss was simple, pure, and meant the world to him.

Chalisa drew back slightly and whispered against his lips, “I love your ego. You are perfect.”

He really wasn’t, except in battle, but he didn’t complain when she kissed him again. This kiss was more intense and conveyed how deeply she felt for him. He loved these public kisses but could hardly wait for more private kisses later.

Kingston had to draw them apart to go eat, acting all gruff and put out. Aiden loved that too.

He was anxious to prove himself and decimate Captain Lemuel this afternoon, but he didn’t want to miss one stolen moment with Chalisa. It was probably wrong on so many levels to let down his guard with her, but he couldn’t dredge up any guilt and had no desire to throw his walls back up. The thought of leaving her again made his stomach churn.



Chalisa was exhausted. She wanted to win and tried to keep her charity forefront in her mind, but she only wished this competition could be over when they returned to the stadium for the final events.

Aiden gave her an encouraging kiss, which helped. His blue gaze on her said that he loved her, even if he never said the words. That helped even more.

She and Hays had to do the jousting first. It was probably hilarious to watch as neither of them was very great at it. She was better on a horse, but he was stronger, and with each run he improved his control of the lance. They missed each other completely on the first pass and ended up slowly bumping each other’s shields on the last two runs.

She was grateful it was over, happy to split the points, and proud she hadn’t forfeited this event. Aiden lifted her off the horse and spun her around as if she were the conquering hero. The crowd cheered loudly, especially when he took her helmet off and kissed her.

Then she stood at the edge of the sparring ring and watched Aiden and Jagger fight. It was glorious and horrifying at the same time. They were a whirlwind of arms and legs—a beautiful and intricate dance of desolation and agony. She vacillated between staring in awe and closing her eyes as she winced in pain.

This fight was very different than when he’d initially fought Kingston. With Kingston, Aiden had been taunting and teasing. Now that she knew how incredible he was at sparring, she realized he’d allowed Kingston to have the upper hand at first.

With Jagger, she could tell Aiden and the SEAL Captain were both going for blood from the moment Kingston started the match. They didn’t waste one breath on taunts or one movement that wasn’t lethal in its intent.
