Page 7 of Impossible Crusade

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Aiden nodded. “Not near as much traffic this time of night. The taxis are much faster than the bus transfers from the airport, and you’ve been distracted staring into my smoldering gaze the past forty minutes and being caught up in how irresistible your brave superhero rescuer is.” He gave her another smoldering gaze. He was clearly an expert at them.

Chalisa laughed, but it was unsteady. Everything about tonight felt surreal—from the attack to the rescue to the mesmerizing ‘superhero’ holding her in his arms and flirting with her.

“Ah. I wondered what had distracted me so completely.” Almost as surprising as how otherworldly this night and Aiden were, she was doing pretty well flirting back. It came natural with him, as if this man was the right man to draw her out, make her laugh, and be there for her.

Aiden grinned. He tightened his grip on her, tucking her head into the crook of his neck with his hand gently cradling her face. She was sheltered and in the spot created for her.

Aiden focused back out the window. She wondered what he was looking for but couldn’t feel worry with him close. His peppermint and musk scent titillated her senses. Everything about her brave rescuer drew her in. She needed to guard her heart or she’d be broken after one hour spent with him. It might already be too late.

A few minutes later, the taxi pulled up to the sidewalk and a large, modern-looking mall spread out on their right. The lights were almost blinding.

The taxi driver popped out and rushed around as Aiden opened the door and assisted her onto the sidewalk.

“How much?” Aiden asked.

“One thousand,” the driver said.

Chalisa gasped. “A thousand dollars for the cab ride?”

“Pesos,” Aiden corrected. “No stress.”

Aiden handed over Mexican money—two five-hundred and two two-hundred bills. “Gracias,” he said to the driver.

“De nada.” The driver lifted a hand.

Aiden took her hand and strode into the shopping area as if they didn’t have a care in the world.

“I’ll pay you back for that,” she said. “What is the conversion?”

“It’s about sixty dollars; and no, you won’t pay me back.” He winked at her and gave her hand a squeeze. “I’m your heroic rescuer in every capacity, remember?”

“You want me deeper in your debt, do you now?” She couldn’t believe how naturally flirting with him came to her.

He chuckled and ran his thumb along the back of her hand, walking her into the open door of a jewelry store. “Of course I do.”

It was only wishful thinking on her part, but Aiden felt genuine and a hundred percent focused on her. Did he feel the special connection between them, or was it all in her head? And why were they in a jewelry store?

“Mi amigos,” the swarthy man in the store called out as he strode to meet them. “You must buy something beautiful and sparkly for mi belleza.” He grinned at Chalisa.

That word reminded her of Jorge and fear flickered through her. She glanced around but all she saw was Aiden, his blue eyes full of warmth and reassurance.

Aiden released her hand and slipped his arm around her waist, bringing her side completely into contact with his and infusing her with safety and protection. His warm palm seared heat through her thin dress as he cupped her waist.

“Anything my love wants,” he said, brushing his lips across her forehead.

Chalisa sighed and cuddled deeper into him. She’d had attractive men hit on her, but she’d never in her life felt special and desirable to a man as impressive as Aiden.

“You want me to pick out something?” She blinked up at him. Was this part of their escape? It didn’t make much sense. Maybe they were just killing time?

“Yes.” Aiden’s gaze was sincere and piercing. “You’re special to me, Chalisa, and I don’t want you to ever forget me.”

Chalisa swallowed and had no idea what to say. She was special to him? She would never forget him either, but he kept subtly reminding her their time together had a countdown.

Aiden directed her around the shop. She browsed to keep up the appearance, not certain if she could believe she was special to him. She gaped at beautiful diamond, turquoise, amber, and ruby stones set in silver and gold.

Pausing at an intriguing necklace, she studied it. She could swear it looked like a bug was suspended in the amber tear-shaped jewel. It was beautiful, unique, and a little odd.
