Page 73 of Impossible Crusade

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The silence was deafening. Nick thought what he feared. Jorge had probably already killed her. Yet if he’d wanted to kill her, he would’ve done it at her condo and left her body for Aiden to find and mourn. Right?

“Find out which HOA maintains the exterior of Chalisa’s condo complex. They’ll have security camera footage on the parking lot.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I’ll be in touch.”

Aiden would find her.

But how? He had no clues, no direction, no hope. He couldn’t waste time. Radio silence. Where to turn? Who could help?

Aiden crumpled to his knees. He wasted time he didn’t have, and for the first time in his life, he knew he couldn’t do it alone. He had no hope of finding or saving Chalisa. He dropped his pride, and he begged, “God. Everybody claims You care. Not for me, but for Chalisa … Please help me find her. Please don’t let Jorge hurt or murder her. Amen.”

When I am weak, I am strong.

With God, nothing is impossible.

Aiden heard words he’d heard Ike say before. A sense of peace and direction filled him. He needed help. He stood and punched Ike’s number again.

“Hey, bro,” Ike answered.

“Ike … I need you.”


He knew that word was true.

“Drive toward Oceanside. Deploy anyone who’s in the area. All hands. Chalisa’s been taken by Jorge.” He hung up. Ike would understand.

He pressed the next number. “Sutton,” he burst out before he could say hello. “I need … a lot.”

“Anything,” Sutton repeated Ike’s response.

Aiden had no idea how they’d find Chalisa, but he would deploy his men, Sutton’s ops, and Ike and his handlers Charli and Fitz and whoever they could mobilize. They’d comb every inch of this world for her.

He could only pray she wouldn’t be dead before they found her.



Chalisa had laid on her bed fully clothed and cried. She must’ve cried herself to sleep. She’d been awakened what felt like moments later by rough hands pressed against her mouth, arms and legs. The men quickly had her bound and gagged and airborne. She tried to fight, but it was more hopeless than winning against Jagger in the sparring competition.

They carried her into the living area of her apartment. Her eyes widened as she saw Aiden’s friend Nick bound and gagged on the apartment floor. Blood ran down his face and arm. His head was tilted to the side, one eye staring up at her, full of sorrow that he’d let Aiden down and she’d been captured. Her stomach turned over, and she wished she could help heal him.


Her gaze darted up. The man standing over Nick made her stomach revolt. Cold chills encompassed her.

“There she is.” Jorge grinned at her. He walked to her and trailed his fingers across her cheek. She flung her head away from him. He grasped her face and squeezed. Pain laced through her cheekbones. “You are mine now, mi belleza.”

Chalisa screamed against the gag, hot tears of terror stinging her eyes.

Would she ever see Aiden again? He was gone. The man he’d left to protect her was beaten. She would be violated and dead before sunrise.

Then she had the most awful thought. At least Aiden could focus on his path without the guilt of leaving her behind. Her death would be more motivation to stay his path and take down criminals like Jorge. Even in her death, she could continue to serve. She would be motivation to the most driven man on the planet to protect others.

Jorge looked down at Nick. “You tell Aiden Porter that Jorge has escaped and now I have his woman. When he finds her body, he can blame himself.” He kicked Nick.
