Page 20 of Leather Dreams

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I can admit that there’s obvious tension between those two. They have been practically eye-fucking since they met. On the other hand, I stare at Tornado’s ass as he breezes past us, hustling to get to his bike.

That man has her wrapped around his finger metaphorically, and vice versa. They may not know it yet or may not be ready to admit it, but just watching them…it’s clear they are just working themselves up.

Readjusting myself, it dawns on me that I would be more than happy to watch them together from the sidelines. Leather could absolutely top from the bottom. My throat grows thick. I’m craving him. Not only Tornado, but I’m salivating at the thought of Leather and Tornado together. Maybe even add Prez in there.

I’m fucked.

Being attracted to men isn’t an issue, besides being surrounded by them every fucking day of my life. The downside? I have never looked at a guy and thought ‘I would let him fuck me’. No. If anything, I gag at the thought of dicks. They are ugly. After seeing them constantly between the jacket pickers and Backslide, I have never wanted to be associated with one.

Thinking about Tornado dominating Leather? Leather being switched between Tornado and Prez…

I readjust myself again, my throat suddenly too dry. “You sure you don’t want me to talk to Prez?” I ask Leather as we walk to the bikes. “I can get him to keep Tornado back. I’m sure there’s plenty of shit he can do here.”

She doesn’t say anything as she straps her gloves on, her heeled boots clicking heavily on the concrete of the club parking lot. From the far-off look, she’s pretty deep in thought. So much so, that I doubt she actually heard me. I pull my own gloves on, strapping all my shit down onto my body.

Her hips sway back and forth as she struts to her ride, her phone peeking out of her jacket pocket before she zips it, hanging her helmet on the handle bar.

“Nah,” she finally mutters, straddling her bike. She pushes the key in, firing the baby beast up. I put her small pack into her saddle bag, clasping it shut. “If he fucks up this mission, I will just kill him myself.” In one fluid motion, her helmet is snug on her head, her braid secured down tightly. The visor is up, her eyes peeking through as I watch her closely.

“Dibs on the second hit,” I say. She sends a wink my way before popping the screen down, covering her face fully. Kicking my leg over my own bike, I settle all my gear on and start her up. She purrs loudly, a gentle rumble between my legs almost enough to give me a hard on.

In true Leather fashion, she doesn’t peel out of the parking lot. She knows better than to disrespect her bike like that. We hit the open road, taking curve after curve up the winding back road, the breeze hitting us in the tail and pushing us faster the farther we go. I take up the rear, ensuring that everyone in the club is accounted for, minus Tornado. I don’t think anyone would put up a fuss if he just miraculously went missing.

The ride to Vancouver is a long one. One of the guys popped a tire on the drive, forcing us all to stop and wait for a truck to show up. We didn’t want to bring a van with us, as it would probably just slow us down. Except that backfired because they would have had everything we’d need. On a positive note, the shop we called just happened to have an old, usable spare he could buy, and it put us only a few hours behind schedule.

Walking back out to the hotel lot, Leather locked eyes with Tornado. Every time they would look at each other, there’d be some sense of longing in their gaze. I wasn’t the only one who noticed. A slight zing of jealousy shot up my gut, only for me to force it back down. The hardest part wasn’t watching them, no. It was choosing which one. I wanted both. I want all of them.

After witnessing Leather and Prez, even if it was only the aftermath of it all, I came to terms with the fact that I’m not against guys. In fact, I have been caught by Prez on a few occasions checking him out…we may or may not have gotten a little bit closer than we both anticipated.

“That’s my ass,” Prez grumbles, a smirk twitching on his masculine face. His plump bottom lip gets tugged between his teeth, a curious look on his face. Quirking a brow, I watch as his eyes lazily draw over my body. My dick twitches at the attention, and I swear I can feel every spot his eyes graze. An involuntary groan releases from deep within my chest and he snaps back up, a devilish glint in his eyes.

“It’s definitely a nice one,” I quip, sending a lust-filled wink at him. A small whimper sounded from him, and I pounced. Eating up the distance between us, I gripped the back of his neck harshly, digging my fingers into his short hair and gripping tightly.

“Aren’t I supposed to be in charge?” He mutters, his breath minty. A mirthless laugh follows, my nose brushing his before going down to his throat.

“Yes, but it’s my turn.” Gripping his skin between my teeth, I bite harshly without breaking the skin. Prez’s hands fly to my jacket, gripping the material roughly.

“You want my ass, Onyx?” Prez groans, tipping his head back to give me more room. Pushing my free hand between us, I cup his cock, putting a bit of pressure on his jeans.

“If you’re willing to give it, Hendrix,” I retort, using his government name. Just as I’m about to claim him, a door slams in the distance. We both jump back, my teeth dragging his skin roughly and leaving a deep red mark. His hand flies to the spot, a look of pure shock on his face. I’m sure mine matches.

“We can’t…” he pauses, a sharp inhale following. Shaking my head, I turn on my heel.

Shaking the bold memory out of my thoughts, I step between the two having a silent quarrel. Her eyes flick toward me, a silent thanks ebbed in them.

“What’s the game plan, folks?” I ask, reaching for my key card from her outstretched hand. Before I can grab one, her hand retracts and a slight pained look crosses her face. “What?” I glance between her and a couple of the prospects. They look like they are trying to withhold their laughs.

“Some of us have to share rooms,” she mumbles, only holding four cards. “Three to one room, two to the other. They only had two available for the next couple nights.”

“We can all band together in one if you want your privacy,” the prospect, Bear, says quietly.

“It’s fine. Just know that I will get a bed for myself, the other two will have to share.” With that, she turns on her heel and heads up the concrete stairs. The rest of us are stuck staring at one another. None of them wants to be with her. There’s a rumor that’s been going around for as long as I can remember that Leather doesn’t sleep. Either way, I would gladly volunteer if it didn’t cause weird looks my way.

“Rock, paper, scissors?” The other prospect, Twelve, asks. I force myself to hold my groan. A feminine laugh echoes in the night, and Leather stands over the metal railing. Waiting.

“Really?” She scoffs mockingly, tapping her nails on the rail. “You’re that scared?”

The four of us look at one another, determining whether our manhood would be ruined after this. Almost in unison, we shrug.
