Page 36 of Leather Dreams

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One of the officers manages to get in front of me, slamming on their brakes. Barely swerving out of the way, the other cop slowly crawls closer to me. Looking to my side, there’s a deep ditch that I don’t want to land in. I know if they manage to get me off the road, I’m done for.

I also realize that there’s no way I will be making it back to Leather in time which pisses me off even more.

Thinking quickly, they both manage to box me in, but just as they go to converge, I slam the gas and barely skim between the two officers. Pulling into one another, the guards on the front of their vehicles smash together. The helmet does little to hide the grinding of metal. I don’t wait a single moment to fly out of there.

Looking around, I have no fucking clue where I’m at.

“Siri, call Bear.” The line rings once.

“Where the fuck are you?” He asks, obvious panic in his tone.

“Two cops tailed me, I finally lost them.” I sigh. Noticing a gas station ahead, I pull into the lot to catch my breath. It’s small and quiet, a few stops off the main road. Perfect for getting out of the way. It may sound insane, but I have never had to lose cops before.

“We didn’t get here in time, but I’m pretty sure I just saw that dude Prez warned us about when we first joined.” The blood in my veins runs ice cold. “I wasn’t close enough to get an exact, but Knuckles…I think they got her.”

The words don’t seem to compute in my brain. A sense of numbness takes over, my body sensing the panic rising in me.

“Repeat that,” I croak, gripping the handle bars tightly. There’s no fucking way…

“I think that Heckles dude took off with her. Twelve agrees.” Swooshing takes over his voice as he talks.

“Hold on.” Inhaling deeply, I work to shake the foreboding feeling. Impending danger. The alerts are blaring my head for me to save her, but I have no idea how. “I will send you my location. Meet me here. We need to get back to HQ.”

Neither of them say anything else, waiting for my location to ping through. Once it does, they end the call. Sitting in the parking lot of the gas station, I reach back and flip my plate over just in case those stupid officers put out a BOLO or some shit.

Slumping down, my helmet clunks on the tank of my bike, the heavy sound mimicking how I feel. There’s ideas pinging around my head if Tornado had anything to do with this. It’s odd that he didn’t take off with the rest of us. Why would he stay behind if we were all booking it?

I try to shake the negativity from me. I’m trying to place blame on someone who wasn’t involved in it. He just so-happened to be collateral damage, plus, he’s the new VP. His job is to protect us, and Leather’s natural instinct is to take charge. They probably had a power struggle or something fucking stupid.

“You good?” Someone shouts from the pump, throwing me thumbs up and down. I don’t respond, just throw a thumbs up toward them. They must take that as a good sign because they take off without another word.

I don’t know what I’m going to fucking do, but I do know that I want to curl up on Prez and beg for him to make this shit better. I have never pictured a day without Leather, and now that I have to…I don’t even want to think about it right now.

Once we get back to the club, we’ll make a plan. We’ll get her back, that much I know.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Needles burn my flesh as I struggle to open my eyes. “...stupid whore!” There’s incessant shouting, then more pain slicing across my skin. I’m not coherent enough to figure out what’s happening, but I refuse to let my pain be heard.

“Fucking pussy, this is how it’s done.” Ice cold liquid is suddenly drenched over my body. A prod stabs into my skin, and a slight jolt forces my muscles to twitch. It happens several times, my body beginning to cramp up with each length of electrocution.

“What the fuck are you doing?” A voice booms through the room. I’m half tempted to shrink into myself from that voice alone, but I don’t. It doesn’t help that my skull has its own fucking heartbeat.

I wonder if a lobotomy would feel better than this pulsating pain in my temples.

“We were just waking her up, boss,” one of his cronies laughs, stabbing me again with the cattle prod. The jolt shocks me, and I barely manage to withhold a hiss of surprise.

“Did I tell you to wake her up?” He growls, his anger burning so damn hot it’s practically radiating off of him. I’m glad I’m not in his line of fire. Yet.

“Well, no, but-” Heckles doesn’t wait a moment before lodging a bullet into the man’s arm. He shrieks like a child who scraped their knee.

While they go back and forth, I take the chance to look at my surroundings. I’m seated at the center of the large, dirty cell, my hands tied behind my back and ankles taped to the legs of the chair. How cliché. There’s a metal table off to the side of me, with chains dangling from different posts on the wall and one from the ceiling. A chair is perched in the far corner with a body slumped into it, but I can’t tell who it is from here. The pain in my temples doesn’t bode well with my eyesight, unfortunately.

“Look,” he points in my direction, false sadness coating his features. “Now she thinks we’re here just to play a fun board game. What do you think, boys? I think we’re here to have a lot more than just some fun.” They grumble their mutual agreement to his shitty speech. Their eyes gaze hungrily over my body. Looking down, I realize I’m only wearing my white undershirt and white boxers. Both of which are now see through because of the ice bath I got.

My fear of Heckles hasn’t gone away. Ever since he was banished all those years ago, I have been under the protection of the club. It’s been great, knowing what true freedom looks like. I have gotten ballsy, I know that. I can agree that I was practically luring him toward me. We could say that I’m the reason he attacked me the second time, but I will never give him the gratification of taking responsibility for my abuse.
