Page 7 of Leather Dreams

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I can’t handle anything outside of temporary hook-ups. After the shit I went through…I would rather just avoid it all together. Feelings tend to shake things up and ruin good things instead of making them better.

“Alright, time to go set them straight.” Swinging my legs off the bed, I step back into the tight leather pants, lacing up my studded boots before heading down to the office. Reaching the doorway, the two guys are talking in hushed tones, obviously a bit heated. I attempt to listen to them, but it’s useless. They are speaking too quietly, much to my chagrin.

Instead of barging in, I lean against the doorframe, arms crossed. When neither one of them even sense me, I clear my throat, making them jump away from one another like they are caught conspiring.

“Were you about to kiss?” I tease, ribbing them for their previously lustful gazes.

“No,” Prez clips out, taking several steps backward and putting distance between them. I raise a speculative brow, which causes a scoff from both men. “We were talking about how the Big Dicks managed to get as close as they did.” Flicking my gaze between the two, I notice Knuckles looks almost disappointed with Prez’s statement.


I’m also very interested in seeing them indulge with one another. Not that I’m a voyeur or anything…

“Why don’t I believe you?” I quirk a brow, pushing off the frame and striding behind the desk. Flopping into the janky chair, I kick my boots up on the desk. Knuckles rolls his eyes, shoving my feet off the desk with a thud.

“We’re executioners for a reason. I don’t keep tabs on them unless I need to, and the orders weren’t given until they were already here.” Knuckles raps his hand on the desk, irritation bubbling behind his words.

“You can’t expect us to know their every move before they have become a threat,” I say. They are under the impression that I’m just as clueless as they are. What happened to my brother isn’t necessarily a secret, but I would rather it not be broadcast around the club. Also, they rely on us executioners to ensure their safety. What more do they want from us? “Plus, where are the prospects who will be assigned to the team? Why aren’t they here?” Prez quirks a brow at my challenge, his nostrils flaring.

“They are probably fucking jacket pickers,” Knuckles snorts, shaking his head and crossing his thick arms. The muscles bulge under the material of his shirt, the threads stretching and threatening to give way.

After a long moment of silence, I realize I’m caught staring.

“You like something you see?” He teases, popping his pecs while the veins on his biceps become more visible. I open my mouth to pop off a sarcastic comment when another throat clears. Whipping our heads to the entrance, Janet strolls in like she owns the place.

“Can I help you?” Prez stands, his shoulders squaring.

“I just came to see if you still needed me.” She glances around the office, staring each of us in the eyes. “I can see you’re still occupied.”

“Give me ten,” he responds, shooing her back out of the room. Her features light up happily before she prances away, an overexaggerated sway to her hips. Prez stares after her with longing, almost as if he’s wishing to be somewhere else.

“Look, Prez,” I sigh, running a hand through my tangled locks. “We get that they need to be exterminated, and Knuckles and I are working on it. Their den isn’t as big as it was, so they probably fled. We’ve been talking about putting extra crews on the doors during open-days for the club downstairs, maybe even starting a membership and conducting background checks. I know it’s shitty not being able to find a good, free, and clean BDSM club. But I can’t risk them infiltrating our ranks. We’ll even make a couple bucks off the fees because Phisher can just do his thing.”

Prez doesn’t say anything, staring off at the cupboard of liquors next to me. It’s silent for a little while before he huffs out a quiet laugh.

“Alright,” he nods, waving a hand.

Chapter Six


“Iguess that’s not so bad,” I sigh, rubbing my beard thoughtfully. The idea of requiring a paperwork fee sucks, and we wouldn’t grandfather members in because it’s all about safety, but it would help us keep the club clean from shitholes.

“Backslide would benefit from it, you’d have to admit,” she hums, obviously proud of herself. The stupid name of the club has been around for as long as I can remember. Either way, I know she’s right. This could be a good way to weed out bad apples, too. No one wants to pay money for things they don’t want, so if they are just coming around to harass members and shit, then they will most likely be gone. That’ll make their jobs easier, less time standing as bouncers and more time tracking those fuckers.

“Speaking of the club,” Knuckles purrs, trying to make a move on Leather. She’s not susceptible to anyone, apparently. She’s been dodging him since the start. She was wild and crazy at one point, then the douch-who-shall-not-be-named fucked her over. Big time. After that, she was like an entirely new woman. While none of us know any of the details, we can all agree that she’s not the same as she used to be. There’s also been talk about her brother who disappeared, but again, we know nothing.

“You know I only scene with Charles,” she teases. Her watch chimes, and she looks down at it, her face turning to a shade of crimson before she stands. “Speaking of, I need to get ready. I completely forgot our scene tonight.”

“You’re on tonight?” Knuckles jumps up from his seat happily, eyes as bright as a kid in a candy store. Leather just rolls her eyes, tucking the chair back into its place under the table and patting the back.

“According to Charles, I am. I will see you two later.” Waggling her fingers at us, she saunters out of the room. Knuckles and I practically drool as her ass jiggles, the soft flesh still giving a bit of bounce even in the tight pants. I’m pretty sure he even gnashes his teeth, growling after her. She laughs, shutting the door quietly behind her.

Leather is a known switch, someone who flips between a dominatrix and a submissive. She loves both and has her limits. Charles, on the other hand, is a total submissive. He thrives on being degraded and belittled, slapped around until he’s a sputtering mess.

She’s gone through hell and back when it comes to being on stage. It was so bad that she didn’t want to be involved with BDSM at all, but he’s the one who approached her. He agreed to give her complete submission, total domination. The guy has no triggers, no hard limits. At least that’s what it looks like from the outside. That’s when she found her love of being a domme. She thrives on the level of control needed.

“You thinking what I’m thinking?” Knuckles asks, wiggling his eyebrows at me. Narrowing my eyes, I debate if he’s being serious. Regretfully, I would absolutely say yes to seeing her put a man on his knees. I would love to even see another guy in the mix, bossing them both around…
