Page 21 of Adam

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I sit slightly confused until a picture comes through. It’s a picture of her sitting on the floor of her apartment and she’s wearing barely there shorts and cleats. Proper football cleats, to be exact. I clench my fist, trying to rein it in. The bare, smooth legs. There is a freckle on the inside of her knee that I so badly want to taste. The shoes… her in heels gave my boner a jump, her in cleats, barely there shorts. Oh, Reese, I can’t wait to penalize you.

Looks like a perfect fit. Can’t wait to take you on the field. I text back.

Bubbles appear, then disappear a few times. Good form, Adam. I know you’ve made her change her panties.

The senator coughs, pulling all eyes to the front of the room. Pocketing my phone, I pull out my notepad and pen. I take minor notes as he is pitching the environmental bill he wants to put forth. It sounds solid, but it’s where the money is coming from that makes it dirty.

Everyone is asking questions, wanting an explanation, but I have no interest. One news correspondent gives him lip about his policies and how it contradicts the new bill. Honestly, politics confuses the hell out of me and I’m not interested in anything they are saying.

I’m only here for him.

This correspondent pisses him off so much he thanks the room, ends the meeting, and quickly leaves. One of “Chase Masters’s aides” comes and slips me a note.

You have been invited to a one-on-one interview with Senator Towne, it reads.

I knew taking these last few days pretending to be Carson Davis was worth it. The real dillhole is overseas with a royal crisis. Carson Davis, you reach too far sometimes. Thank you for your easy manipulation of the mind. The crown prince does not want to do a business deal. Another internal high five for your work, Adam.

I pack up and follow the aide to the senator’s quarters and nod to the pretty interns he is not banging. I’ve seen the photos. He doesn’t want to be exposed. I give one of the interns a wink and watch a blush form on her cheeks. She is cute, just not Reese cute.

I take a seat and the senator comes in huffing like a schoolgirl.

“Senator,” I start.

He swings his head toward me and nods. “Carson.” He grabs a cup for his bourbon.

“I brought a gift for you.” I quickly pull out the rare, expensive bottle of bourbon from my bag. “Thank you for putting up with me over the last few days. My boss is on my ass about this bill and the news deadline. I need a story to fill the top spot of the hour and I assured my boss you were it.”

He chuckles and grabs the bottle. Stroking the ego always does it for these men who hold their skeletons close.

“I’m sorry to hear about Chase.” I offer my condolences while holding the taunt in my head.

“He was a great aide here in the office.”

I’m sure he was doing an excellent job taking the spankings you gave. The pictures don’t lie, senator. Your wife will not stand by you in this scandal. I’m not even sure your other aides would have the skill to mask, alter the storyline, or save you.

“I bet.”

“Tell me, Carson, what is the top-of-the-hour story you want from me?”

“The bill, of course.” Duh, you aimless twat. “I want to showcase the villages that will be thankful for the humanitarianism that your office is showing. First-world problems, am I right?” I hold my glass up.

He clinks his glass with mine and part of his lip forms into a smile.

“It’s the funding we need to give these people running water. Safe water.” He hands me a photo album and I open it and cringe. I am praying hard that my anger doesn’t show. It’s photos of him with the village people. These are the people they expected my squadron to protect. I see him holding and kissing babies. Talking with the people and selling them the reasons to let his trigger-happy employees into the village, no questions asked. I remember the kids running with no shoes, kicking a deflated ball around, laughing. This fucker gave his men an almost room-to-room layout. They never had a chance.

When the intel hit our base that the village’s safety could be compromised, my commander sent us out. We left without hesitation. Rumor was these people who helped our soldiers with so many things were being the targeted for a hit and that a terrorist lived there. These people were far from that.

I let him talk and spill the lies that have helped afford him the room to succeed in this world. He refills his glass a few times as I sit still. Silence is the key to making an egotistical alpha male talk. He wants the world to shine a light on his lies and keep the truths locked in a box buried by greed.

Fuck you.

I stand to fix my blazer, buttoning it to show the end of this interview. He stumbles to stand with me. The few glasses of the high-proof bourbon are stroking his nerves like the paid escort he keeps uptown. The roofie I added will give him a wicked headache. I chuckle as he shows his hand.

“You, you, are something else!” he blubbers.

The drugs are settling. His droopy, tired eyes blink forcefully to stay awake. I didn’t put that much in the bottle, just enough to push him on his ass.

He falls back on his couch as his body lets out a snore, out like a light. Senator Townes, your public execution awaits.
