Page 63 of Adam

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I’ve never been on the battle lines and haven’t been into too many action scenarios.

“I am good at getting information but not combat things.” I point to my face, insinuating that looks have trumped everything for me.

Smoke filters out from under the basement door and the burning smell fills the tiny cabin.

“Reese, what is going on?” Kevin’s tone drops, deep and vicious.

“I can explain.” I hold my hands up. “

“Is that smoke? Reese, is that smoke?” He looks over my shoulder. He comes toward me with hurt and confusion in his eyes. “What the fuck are you doing?!” Kevin finally yells, trying to push past me.

“Kevin!” I cut him off, trying to stop him.

“Reese? What did you do?” His pained expression breaks my heart. “No!” He grips my shoulders hard. “Adam!” he screams for his friend.

“Kevin, trust me!” I try to stop him as he pushes against me. “I had no choice!”

He continues to push against me and now I am getting pissed. I grab under his armpit and his hand recoils toward his body. Grasping the other part of his arm, I swing it around, causing his body to follow and flip over onto the floor. I push my foot onto his side, still holding his arm, and stare down.

“Cut the shit, Kevin! Trust me!” I am hoping my words do not waver. “Seriously! Go get in the car!”

I release his arm and he rushes to stand. I point at the door to push him along.

“How could you do that? Are you going to kill me too?”

Kill my brother? I look back at the basement door for a moment, then turn back to Kevin with genuine hurt in my eyes. “Why would you say that? It’s been you and me against the world! Trust me!” I forcefully beg.

Trust. Basis of everything.

“I’m sorry.”

No footprints on the ground.



Kevin Grafton

My sister pushes me out of the cabin and I can feel my insides scorching with hatred. I’ve cared for her, loved her. Protected her!

I stumble toward the car and turn, watching her walk toward me so casually.

“You bitch!” I scream. My head turns back into a jumbled mess. The loud crackling of the fire burning behind her thuds like ammunition firing from a gun… any gun. The sounds leave a ringing in my ears. It’s not a gentle hum but a high-pitched chime that doesn’t fucking stop.


“No.” I shake my head and pound my fist on the car, denting the hood. “What in God’s name have you done?”

I stand and walk away. I can’t get in the car at the moment. Too many things have happened tonight, too many changes. Adam moved forward with an alternative plan and left me out. My sister showed herself as a secret agent. She has now taken my last bit of help, which controlled the damaging nightmares that plagued me. The person who nourished my need for control to feel better. The one person who does not see me as a pitiful loser.

I walk toward the tree line while my knuckles bend into a fist. I begin to punch the closest tree. Bark flies as blood forms at the surface of my skin, waiting for the right hit. Pressure is forming, and it lies waiting for release. Discomfort shoots through my forearms from the impact.

“Aaahh!” I grunt.

One more good hit and blood sprays along the trunk of the tree. I stop grabbing the tree for support and feel the droplets of blood fall down my skin. Sweat cascades to meet the tears that have fallen from my eyes. I sent prayers to a god that failed me when I begged to be brought back, hoping to have someone to help understand these demons that I have given names. My body collapses at the tree trunk and I drag my nails down the side. Quietly begging myself to breathe. Please, please, please. I whisper to myself. My mind pleads for this to be another horrible night of terror I can wake up from.

I am not that lucky.
