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“Wait a minute—you’ve been in one of these before?”

“What about this?” He holds up his find. It’s a thong made out of sugar candy.

I jab him in the side. “We’re here for you, not me. Just make your decision. That guy at the counter is giving me the creeps.”

He grins and leads me down the aisle. “You never said I couldn’t purchase something for you to we the site where Garrett contributes wshar. It would still be for me, after all.”

He stops me in the lingerie section. I’ve never seen so much pleather in my life. There are plenty of sequins, too, as well as your typical selection of chains and studs and lace.

But the one Calder grabs from the bunch takes the cake. I don’t even know if it’s fair to call it “lingerie” because it’s basically a just collection of bright red strings with heart-shaped sequined appliques where the nipples and crotch should go. The whole thing is sealed up in plastic packaging that includes images of how to get into the complicated get-up.

Calder looks from the lingerie to me and then back again. “This is definitely pretty outrageous.”

“There’s no way in hell I’m wearing that.”

“Are you willing to play for it?”


He turns around and goes back to the display of adult games. When he returns, he’s holding something called “Hang the Cock on the Hunk.” It looks like a version of Pin the Tail on the Donkey, only… well, you know.

“What do you say?” he asks. His gaze is dark, wicked.

“Why would I agree to that?” I say. “If I refuse to play then I don’t have to risk anything.”

“But if you play and win, you can demand something of me.”

It’s exactly the sort of offer on which our relationship has been built since the very beginning. How am I going to pass that up?

“Fine,” I say. I might as well go for it. “If I win, then you have to wear that thing.”

His eyes widen briefly in surprise. But once the initial shock of my suggestion has worn off, he grins devilishly. He thrives on this back-and-forth.

“Very well Wentworth Cunninghamev" aid=",” he says. “It’s a deal.”

He strides over to the counter to pay for our finds. The cashier doesn’t bat an eye. Even if he heard us discussing our game, I doubt we’re the strangest people he’s seen come through here.

“Do you have a bathroom?” Calder asks.

The man jerks his thumb in the direction of a wooden door over in the corner. The sign on the door says “NO SEX” in all caps, but the cashier has no problem when Calder grabs my hand and pulls me inside.

And if the condition of the bathroom is any indication, we’re not the first ones to ignore the sign.

“Don’t touch the walls,” I say, shying away from the grungy tile.

“Where else are we going to hang this?”

He rips open the package for our newly-purchased game and pulls out a large, glossy poster of a very tan, very ripped, very naked man. The model is missing his important parts, of course, but it’s still a lot to take in.

“Maybe I should have searched for the lady version,” Calder says.

“I think this is the lady version.”

He gives me a nudge with his elbow and then gets to work peeling the tabs off of the adhesive strips on the back. When he’s done, he sticks it up on the nearest wall. Meanwhile, I pull the paper “cocks” out of the bag.

“Impressive,” I say.

Calder looks down at them and shakes his head. “Definitely should have looked for the other version.”

“What are we going to use as a blindfold?”

He considers this for a moment, then looks very pointedly down at my shirt.

I cross my arms. “I’m not stripping down in this disgusting bathroom.”s much as I hate to admit it“It’s just your shirt. And you’re going to have to strip when you lose anyway. I’ll want to see you in that lingerie immediately.”

“Who says I’m going to lose? You’re awfully cocky about your cock-pinning skills.” But there’s no turning back at this point. I shove the paper penises into his hand and then slip my shirt over my head.

“You first,” he says. To his credit, he only gives a single appreciative look at my lacy bra before getting down to business. He takes my shirt and proceeds to tie it snugly around my eyes.

“At my mercy once again,” he murmurs, leaning against me from behind. “Maybe we should forget the game and pick up where we left off earlier.” His hand drifts across my stomach, down over my jeans and between my legs.

“Here? It’s filthy!”

“All the more reason to do filthy, filthy things.”

I know he’s just teasing me, but his husky voice and eager hands are already eliciting a strong response from my body.

“Want me to take you here?” he breathes. “Right here on this dirty, disgusting floor?”

My blood is rushing in my ears. His hands are rough on my waist and hips, and I feel the desperation in his body. He wants to go wild, wants to abandon himself to lust and fantasy. I’ve distracted him, just as I intended, but for the first time I truly understand the frailty of this plan. The shadows inside of him haven’t gone anywhere. They’re building, waiting for him to crack. He’s a ticking time bomb.


“Yes?” He slips his hand between my legs. “You want this, don’t you?”

In spite of my better sense, I do. I’m just as weak as him. Weaker, even, because I know this is all an illusion. But I need this, too. I need to go on pretending that there’s nothing wrong.

Calder is kissing my neck. I quiver when his tongue flicks against the place where my neck meets my takes me a moment toev" aid=" shoulder.

“It’s so easy,” he murmurs. “It doesn’t matter where we are or what we’re doing… one word, one touch, and you’re mine for the taking.”

He’s right. Such is his power over me.

“Do you want me to fuck you here?” he says. “Tell me.”

My voice is hardly more than a whisper. “Yes.”

“Say it.”

“I want you to fuck me. Here in this bathroom.”

He bites down on my neck. I whimper, and he gives a throaty chuckle before releasing me.

“But we should finish the game first,” he says brightly. “I wouldn’t want to waste our new purchase.”
