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“I have a copy of the coffee table book you did on Seirenada, Your Highness. Would you mind signing it for me later?”

Lexie blushed. “It would be my pleasure.”

“I didn’t know you had written a book,” Nic said oddly.

Lexie shot him a warning glance. “Of course you wouldn’t, because I didn’t write it. I just took the photos. And I didn’t show you because they’re amateurish.”

“Her Highness is being modest. Her landscapes are very evocative of Seirenada. It makes me want to drop everything, take off and visit your country,” she mock whispered. ”Of course, it’ll have to be after I finish the Holdener ad campaign for which they’re paying me an obscene amount of money.”

“You are most welcome to visit anytime, Miss Dux.” Lexie was starting to like the brassy photographer.

Priscilla beamed, pleased. She then turned to Nic. “Nic, kindly go with my assistant Trey so he can fix you up and make you more gorgeous than you already are. Trey,” she addressed the nattily dressed young man who was eyeing Nic like candy, “don’t slip on your drool on the way to the dressing room.”

Trey pointed to his shoes. “Rubber-soled and skid-free,” he threw over his shoulder cheekily, leading a smiling Nic to the dressing room to the side of the studio.

Priscilla and Lexie shared a laugh.

The photo shoot was for the well-known Swiss luxury watch Holdener, whose ads regularly featured top athletes in different fields. While Priscilla’s other photo assistant made last-minute checks to the equipment, Priscilla introduced her to the art director for the shoot and the country manager of the watch company. Lexie made small talk and asked Priscilla if she wouldn’t get in the way of the shoot.

“I’m sure Nic would love to have you as inspiration,” Priscilla winked.

Lexie’s breath left in a whoosh when Nic, all spiffed up wearing a dark coat and tie with a white shirt, emerged from the dressing room. His stubble was miraculously shaved and his dark waves were brushed off his face, showing off his defined facial structure. He seemed relaxed and she recalled from her research that he had done several ads before. Occasionally, his eyes flicked to the dark corner where she sat on a stool, content to watch from the sidelines as Nic smiled in front of the camera.

“Your Highness, if you don’t mind, could you stand beside me while I take this last series of shots?” Priscilla asked some thirty minutes later.

Lexie wondered at the strange request. She turned to Nic questioningly and he shrugged. Wanting to be a team player, she agreed.

“Trey, could you loosen up Nic’s tie a bit? Nic, you’re supposed to look like you’re undressing with your hands on your tie. Very Fifty Shades of Grey vibe and at the same time showing off your Holdener watch. I want you to smolder. ”

“Smolder?” Nic echoed blankly.

Because she was female, her mind quickly connected the dots even before Priscilla spoke. “Eye sex. Your motivation is right beside me.”

As comprehension dawned, a slow wicked smile lit up his face. Lexie was sure her face was redder than her hair. “You okay with this, rojita?” he murmured in Spanish.

She nodded, not really sure where this was heading. The minute she gave her consent, Nic speared her with a hot, hungry look she had seen only an hour ago. In the bedroom. Where it should have stayed. In private. Lexie started to feel a bit warm.

“Sexy beast,” Priscilla muttered, clicking away. “I’m almost sorry I’m batting for the other team.”

Lexie coughed. Nic broke character in amusement at her reaction. “That’s it, but wipe off the smile,” Priscilla instructed. “Heavy on the sex, light on the romance.”

“If you say so.”

Lexie braced herself for the onslaught. Nic’s heavy-lidded gaze pinned her with devastating intensity. His electric blue eyes shifted from her hazel ones down to her lips. Her mouth went dry and she licked her lips, watching Nic’s eyes flare with heat at the unconscious action. Other parts of Lexie were starting to kindle. She crossed her arms to hide her nipples, which must be surely poking through her dress.
