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Inside at the check-in desk, no one waited behind the counter. Gabriel rang the bell next to the computer. His friend Seth Dawson owned this place. He was also one of the owners of the Old West Town amusement park at the edge of town.

Before a minute had passed, Seth came out of a door on the right. “Hey, Gabriel. What’s up?”

“Hey, Seth. I need to get a room for my friend, Suzanna. Her car broke down. She’s stuck in town until Dylan can get the parts in to fix it.”

His friend first eyed Suzanna carefully and then shook his head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t have a single room available.”

“What? Why not?”

He shrugged. “The television news crews are still here trying to squeeze every drop of story out of the recent rescue. I hate to complain over the solid business for the past couple of weeks, but I’m ready for them all to be gone.”

“Don’t you even have a honeymoon suite or a presidential suite in case…you know…the president stops by?”

Seth shook his head. “Sorry, but no. In fact, two rival television reporters are currently sharing the only ‘suite’ of any kind available. Seriously, even the broom closet is booked. If the president does show up, I’ll be pitching a pup tent for him in the parking lot,” he said with a laugh. “I wish I could help you out, but I don’t even have my night manager’s room available.” Seth looked sheepish.

Gabriel purposefully didn’t look at Suzanna. He didn’t want to disappoint her. He asked, “Any suggestions?”

Seth flashed him a familiar look. A look that said perhaps Gabriel should take her to his place. However, Gabriel shared his abode with his best friend. Nathan liked things quiet. And he didn’t care much for surprise guests either. Besides, Gabriel didn’t think that would be a good idea to enclose her in his house, given his current lustful thoughts and her slight apprehension after the earlier volcanic kiss they’d shared on the roadside.

“Not really.” Seth shook his head. “One of the churches opened its doors for a couple days when the boys first fell down the shaft, but those few who were using it left a big mess as if the church folks should clean up after them, so the pastor kicked them out and rescinded the offer to anyone else. There were a few ousted new folks that ended up in their cars, I believe, but there are no rooms anywhere that I know of. I’m really sorry.”

“I’d sleep in my car, but it’s currently locked up at the auto shop, which is now closed. And while the idea of a pup tent in the parking lot sounds very interesting, I’m not really much of a camper,” Suzanna said with a beautiful smile. Her voice sent a tendril of lust down his body. His cock pulsed. Seth tilted his head slightly to one side, giving him a look as if to encourage him to take her in.

Gabriel was just about to do that, but a stray thought popped in his head. “What about the saloon hotel at Old West Town? Did they give over any of those rooms?”

“No,” Seth said adamantly. “Kendall wouldn’t allow it. Mostly because he’s gun-shy of having the media at his place after what happened last month with that blogger accusing us of…” He trailed off when Gabriel gave him a look. “Well, it doesn’t really matter.”

Gabriel nodded. “Well, she’s not a blogger.” He suddenly paused, turned to her, and asked cautiously, “Are you?”

Suzanna shook her head. “No. Absolutely not. I’m an online content editor for a couple of e-publishers. And I freelance as a web designer on occasion, but I promise it’s nothing news media or blogger related.”

“Do you want me to call Kendall for you?” Seth volunteered.

“No. I’ll drive her out there and talk him into it. Thanks anyway, Seth.”

“Sure thing. Good luck,” his friend called out with a wave.

As they exited the motel lobby and headed for his car, Gabriel glanced at the western sky, noting that it was getting later and later, but he still hadn’t found her a place as he’d silently vowed to do. It wasn’t like he could say, “I give up. You’re on your own. Best of luck,” at this point. He’d never do that. He’d take her in before that. And he’d lock himself away so as to alleviate any temptation.
