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When he returned, Suzanna was asleep and curled half on top of a smiling Gabriel.

“Guess you wore her out,” he said in a whisper.

Nathan nodded. “Well, she nearly sent me to an early grave, so we’re even.”

“What a way to go.” Gabriel laughed.

“Exactly. Fuck, that was indescribable.” Nathan brushed a lock of hair away from her eye and tucked it behind one ear. The concealer had smudged during their foray into the ultimate carnal passion. Likely from the scarf masking her eyes during the exceptional experience.

The small bruise beneath her eye stood out even in the low light. For as good as he felt after the most incredible sex in memory, Nathan knew he would never let anyone touch her again if he had a say in her future. He was surprised to learn that he wanted one.

“I don’t know where she came from, but I really want her to stay.” Gabriel said the exact words he was thinking.

“Me, too. I proclaim that our home can be her quiet safe haven for as long as she wants to remain.”

“Good. I agree.”

Nathan brushed a kiss on her forehead and snuggled against her sleeping form. He sandwiched her against Gabriel, knowing he’d protect this woman with his life. He also wanted to learn every detail about her history, and then convince her that a future with them was the best idea possible.

Sleep didn’t come easily as he pondered what he’d do to the man who’d marked her face. They’d meet one day. Of that he had no doubt.

Nathan made a silent personal vow to make the prick sorry for what he’d done.

Chapter Seven

Gabriel roused when the phone rang at the ungodly hour of 5:33 a.m. He’d never claimed to be a morning person. One eye squinting at the clock, he groaned and picked up his cell phone. Holding it up to his ear he said, “What the hell?” for his early morning greeting. Hearing his own gravelly, barely audible voice, he then cleared his throat before listening again.

“Hey, this is Dylan. Sorry to call so early, but there was a break-in at the garage. I thought you should know immediately.”

“You’re shitting me.” Burglary at the shop was not what he wanted to concern himself with. Suzanna shifted against him and sighed in her sleep. Both he and his cock—already sporting morning wood—wanted her again. “What was stolen? Jesus. Is the place a complete mess?” He pictured all manner of pandemonium, chaos, and disorder. The distasteful vision of all the customers’ vehicles being trashed and wrecked along with the expense of repurchasing entire cases full of very costly automotive tools times five for all the stalls in the garage fueled Gabriel’s imagination.

“Well, the thing is, I don’t actually see anything missing. At least nothing obvious. And the place isn’t a wreck. The cars parked inside last night are exactly as they were when I left. Sorry to alarm you on that score.”

“So then is the office a wreck? The safe broken into?”

Dylan paused. No sound came through the line. “Well…ah…no. The office is also untouched as near as I can tell.”

Gabriel closed his eyes. “Okay, then tell me, how do you know there was a break-in?”

“Someone took a crowbar to the side door at the far end of the garage stalls. I didn’t even see it until I opened the shop a few minutes ago and went into the bay.”

He squinted at the red numbers of his alarm clock again. “Why didn’t the alarm go off on the side door, and better yet, what are you doing there so early?”

“The alarm was probably disconnected on that door before I was ever born, and I’m here early because I wanted to get to work on your friend’s car. I pulled in a favor and had our parts supplier overnight the water pump. It’ll be here by early this afternoon. I should be finished by close of business tonight or at the very latest by tomorrow first thing. Which is also why I had your friend’s car inside the garage.”

The one time when he didn’t want Dylan to be so efficient, the man was performing automotive miracles. “You didn’t have to do that, but thanks.”

“Sure, boss. Happy to.”

The two or three more days he’d thought he had to spend with Suzanna and Nathan were about to evaporate. Unless he could convince her to stay on.
